So a simple oil change today turned into a rust curing exercise and fitment of H&R Springs and Bilstein B4.
More gold coloured flecks in the oil again, so turbo failure is imminent. Still undecided whether to keep the car, or get something newer. With car prices the way they are currently, I might just throw a new turbo on. We'll see.
So yeah, this wing was a warranty replacement done in 2015 at a dealer. Good work VW

I bet they just sanded the old one down and repainted it rather than fitting a brand new one

Nevermind, all sanded back, POR 15'd and painted.

The front struts were bar steward, fought me all the way. Being standard length struts, I had to remove the driveshaft bolt and ball joint on the passenger side to allow the ARB to drop down enough. Complete ball ache.
Then to add insult to injury, the sodding strut on the passenger side wouldn't drop down all the way into the knuckle, so sat 10mm proud of the bottoming out ledge. As I have the alloy knuckles, the spreader tool didn't work as some previous chump and cheesed them out with a chisel or something

To cut a long story short, I did the brave/stupid/genius thing of driving it with no pinch bolt in an attempt to force the strut to bottom out. After 2 miles, I hit a large bump and I heard a satisfying 'THUNK'. That did the trick

Drove back home gingerly and put the pinch bolt in.
You, yes you front B4s, you're complete gits. I hate you.

Rear B4s, you're so simple to fit, I love you!

Ride height is comedy, but I wanted more travel after the Ohlins & ST due to the crap roads I have to drive on to work now. They are the non-GTI spec H&R springs, so lowering is minimal, perhaps 10mm at the most.
Ride quality is a bit jiggly and rough. I thought H&R springs were supposed to be forgiving, oh well. Maybe the Eibach ARBs aren't helping matters on that front

It'll do though. I wasn't expecting a magic carpet ride after the ST kit.
And yeah the car hasn't been cleaned since September