That's cool, thanks!
Note to Mods; Apologies, yeah?
So today I picked up some pieces that will allow me to modify my BSH pcv stage 1 / plug cap. I hope to add a fitting to the intake plug that can be capped off until I want to clean the intake valves. When I need to clean them I'll unplug the fitting, insert the tube of the cleaner, and proceed with the spraying and cleaning process. The idea is to eliminate the hassle of placing the cleaners tube into the throttle hose/body like you'd need to with SeaFoam &/or 3M cleaners. I wanted to make this process much quicker and easier as it is a pain to get the hose off the throttle body, then placing the cleaner tube just right. I first need to make sure that the spray will not be misdirected through that part of the intake manifold. If so, Ill look at another point that would place the spray perfectly. I'll update in case anyone is interested when it's your time to clean off the intake valve build-up.