Thanks for all the great comments Everyone

All the inspiration has come from this forum in one way or another.

When I first got the Ed30 I was very naive about car care, and I even remember telling people that all I planned to do mod wise was lower it.

After seeing some amazing cars, it didn't take long before the modding bug set in.
I REALLY wish I'd have started a build thread years ago.

Carlo what did you use to stick the magnets on?
Also what what width magnets did you use? 12/18mm?
And have you stuck some felt like cloth on the back of the plate?
Poundland is your friend when doing this mod, I can tell you

All these items were...guess what??? Yep £1 each

I used the Araldite Epoxy to stick the magnets to the plate and the back of the grill.

All the magnets were 18mm wide

The felt I used was the white self adhesive felt that comes in the Poundland pack of Surface Protector Pads