TRS888 - lighting mods looking good. I was thinking about the bold sport door LEDs, but sounds like you've had quite a bit of hassle with them.
thanks, im really loving them now. they were actually quite easy to do once i knew what to do. i think maybe because of the options my car came with, it doesnt have the highline version of the door controller if there is such a thing. not all 32 pins are present in the door controller.
i used pin no 1, and then piggy backed onto the pin no 2 (already had an earth in there)
if you just remove pin 2 and put the new light in there then the door window switch isnt illuminated. (may have caused other problems but i did the piggy back of the new light wire into the earth into pin 2) so everything works.
happy with the results, and me and my brother did the same thing to his car last night, didnt take as long, as we knew what to do. but looking good all the same.
if you're local i dont mind giving you a hand!