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Author Topic: What did you and your MKV do today?  (Read 2894811 times)

Offline Stumpey

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3330 on: January 28, 2013, 11:16:51 am »
Unfortunately the nice approach does not always work..... had a Ahole neighbour that kept blocking me or the wife in so ended up calling the police one day as he refused to answer the door and they had to get him to move it.!!!!

But it continued after so I finally lost patience as he had blocked the missus in, I had a big 4x4 at the time so just strapped the tow hook of his car to my 4x4 and towed his car to the middle of the road and left it there, never had the same problem again :).

« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 11:20:31 am by Stumpey »

Offline olufsen

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3331 on: January 28, 2013, 12:13:11 pm »
PMSL, that's class! :grin:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3332 on: January 28, 2013, 01:15:30 pm »

....Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but if the edge of the pavement has a dropped kerb section, it officially signifies a vehicular access across the pedestrian pavement and consequently it is illegal for anyone (except an emegency vehicle) to park there.

If you don't have a dropped kerb and your 'drive' is just a paved front garden, you are fook'd - You have no legally supportable rights and can only rely on your neighbour being a good neighbour.

I don't know if it's a Police or a local Council matter. You have photographic evidence. Obviously the first thing to do is to politely ask your neighbour not to park there because you need access 24/7 and hopefully you need not take the matter any further, but don't start off by threatening him - You achieve more with honey than with vinegar.

thats a good point red, dont know about the legal side of it but you could be right there, personally i would have got the dropped kerb extended to the width of the driveway assuming the council would approve it.
one of my neighbours has had it done and i will need to do it as i plan to double the width of my driveway some time in the future.
im hoping the council will agree, fingers crossed.
re - honey rather than vinegar - all the way

....Only council approved contractors will be allowed to do any kerb work. So you will have to go through the process of obtaining permission. Whether you get permission or not will depend on the balance between on-street and off-street parking in your street and also any overriding architectural considerations.

I'm not a lawyer but am confident in my posted information.

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Offline paulw123

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3333 on: January 28, 2013, 01:21:20 pm »
my mates just had his kerb dropped, as said, by someone off the councils approved list for £1200.
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Offline scottm72

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3334 on: January 28, 2013, 05:05:56 pm »
my mates just had his kerb dropped, as said, by someone off the councils approved list for £1200.
£1200 holy crap, will keep that in mind when i get the driveway done

Offline chrisr763

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3335 on: January 28, 2013, 05:19:59 pm »
Unfortunately the nice approach does not always work..... had a Ahole neighbour that kept blocking me or the wife in so ended up calling the police one day as he refused to answer the door and they had to get him to move it.!!!!

But it continued after so I finally lost patience as he had blocked the missus in, I had a big 4x4 at the time so just strapped the tow hook of his car to my 4x4 and towed his car to the middle of the road and left it there, never had the same problem again :).


Thats brilliant  :grin:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3336 on: January 28, 2013, 05:25:14 pm »

my mates just had his kerb dropped, as said, by someone off the councils approved list for £1200.

£1200 holy crap, will keep that in mind when i get the driveway done

....Council work is never cheap for some reason I don't fully understand.

The problem is that if you go ahead and create your own mini-ramp up the kerb without formal written permission, you are very likely to get caught by their inspectors and it'll cost you even more. It only needs a neighbour with a grudge to grass on you.

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Offline scottm72

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3337 on: January 28, 2013, 06:18:38 pm »
Unfortunately the nice approach does not always work..... had a Ahole neighbour that kept blocking me or the wife in so ended up calling the police one day as he refused to answer the door and they had to get him to move it.!!!!

But it continued after so I finally lost patience as he had blocked the missus in, I had a big 4x4 at the time so just strapped the tow hook of his car to my 4x4 and towed his car to the middle of the road and left it there, never had the same problem again :).


Thats brilliant  :grin:
brilliant x 2, took some balls to do that though, good on you  :happy2:

Offline scottm72

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3338 on: January 28, 2013, 06:22:34 pm »

my mates just had his kerb dropped, as said, by someone off the councils approved list for £1200.

£1200 holy crap, will keep that in mind when i get the driveway done

....Council work is never cheap for some reason I don't fully understand.

The problem is that if you go ahead and create your own mini-ramp up the kerb without formal written permission, you are very likely to get caught by their inspectors and it'll cost you even more. It only needs a neighbour with a grudge to grass on you.
yeah as you say you cant dodge it, i know the council have their own contractors but i would assume when and if you get approval that the job can be done there shouldnt be a barrier in place for you to get your own quotes for the work to be done as long as the job is to the councils standards / measurements etc, otherwise the council would be at fault of holding you to ransom regarding their prices and choice of contractor.
i will look into this at a later date though and let you know how i got on

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3339 on: January 28, 2013, 06:29:37 pm »
I don't mind dropped kerbs but what winds me up is that there are small side roads where I live, where each house has a dropped kerb and the car is parked in the front garden, half sticking out on to the pavement. Which means there's nowhere to park to visit family or else you end up blocking people in/out. Blatently approved by council because of the income.

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Offline trs888

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3340 on: January 28, 2013, 06:44:07 pm »

....Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but if the edge of the pavement has a dropped kerb section, it officially signifies a vehicular access across the pedestrian pavement and consequently it is illegal for anyone (except an emegency vehicle) to park there.

If you don't have a dropped kerb and your 'drive' is just a paved front garden, you are fook'd - You have no legally supportable rights and can only rely on your neighbour being a good neighbour.

I don't know if it's a Police or a local Council matter. You have photographic evidence. Obviously the first thing to do is to politely ask your neighbour not to park there because you need access 24/7 and hopefully you need not take the matter any further, but don't start off by threatening him - You achieve more with honey than with vinegar.

as far as i understand it, if someone is blocking access for you to get out of your garage or driveway then they are breaking the law. if you are returning home to find some idiot has parked over the area to which you get into your drive or garage then its fair play, all be it stupid. you do get arsehole neighbours who get off on being petty tho. i dont have that problem as its a private road and drive where i live. i do still get people parking really close to the gates tho! i might try STUMPEYs approach if i ever get blocked in and pissed off at the same time!  :signLOL:

Offline samdem

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3341 on: January 28, 2013, 08:09:48 pm »
picked up my new DV today, way just under £40 from vw drift bridge. Fitting it on thursday as precautionary measures.

Offline Marko1982

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3342 on: January 28, 2013, 08:26:03 pm »

A 100% idiot. I spoke to his dad who said he asked me yesterday if it was ok to park there but i wasnt in all day yesterday. Their own drive has a van on it that only moves during the week and no other cars.

....Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but if the edge of the pavement has a dropped kerb section, it officially signifies a vehicular access across the pedestrian pavement and consequently it is illegal for anyone (except an emegency vehicle) to park there.

If you don't have a dropped kerb and your 'drive' is just a paved front garden, you are fook'd - You have no legally supportable rights and can only rely on your neighbour being a good neighbour.

I don't know if it's a Police or a local Council matter. You have photographic evidence. Obviously the first thing to do is to politely ask your neighbour not to park there because you need access 24/7 and hopefully you need not take the matter any further, but don't start off by threatening him - You achieve more with honey than with vinegar.

 Bang on, if someone parks across a dropped kerb its an offence of causing an unnecessary obstruction. If politely asking them to move it doesn't work if it happens again, you can call the police who will knock on the door giving them a choice of moving it or having it towed with a £30 penalty to boot (plus a towing and release fee from the recovery agent).

Offline JoeDarKa

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3343 on: January 28, 2013, 08:40:32 pm »
I wouldnt have minded if he had parked slightly more forwards as no one is currently parking there. I spoke to his dad (the car owner is in his 40s and doesnt even bloody live there anymore) and he said he will have a word with him  :confused:

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Re: What did you and your MKV do today?
« Reply #3344 on: January 28, 2013, 09:46:05 pm »
picked up my new DV today, way just under £40 from vw drift bridge. Fitting it on thursday as precautionary measures.

What Rev DV is that? and what the part number please. I keep meaning to get one.
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