Used the head light 3M kit as well today, after seeing it on here. Think I didn't use a good enough (speed wise) drill initially, as although its not too bad, it took a lot with the final 3000 grit to get it clear. Ordered a second kit to do it again with the more powerful drill.
same thing as me today, bought the same set for my wifes car as its an 03 plate and thought it needs to be done.
Got everything ready outside, read all the instructions, charged up 2 drill batteries then looked at her lights.
10 years old and apart from some chips on them there was nothing else, no yellowing no cloudiness lol but i thought bugger it im still doing it as im here now

didnt make any diff to the lights tbh, kept waiting for the cloudiness to appear whilst sanding but it just never came.
Stood back after 1 light done and i was toiling to see any difference to the other light.
I guess the cloudiness etc only appears if there is actually anything to sand off in the first place, either that or my drill wasnt fast enough ( forgot to check that tbh ).
I read it took someone 4 hours to do both headlights somewhere on another thread ? took me 30 minutes,,, how's that then ?
I mean there is only a small area to sand here,,, 4 hrs ???
If there is any difference at all ( which i cant see ) it is that it may have eliminated a tiny yellow tint but its very minor,
I prob done the whole thing wrong lol