Some cuckin funt tried to pull the splitter off my car and my dads car.... only getting so far as removing all the clips!! 
If I see or hear of someone doing this I will literally make them wheelchair bound! 
Christ, sorry to hear this, its not been a good couple of days for ED30 owners 
where abouts did this happen??
Just outside my house! it could have only happened within the space of 2 hours where I was in and out...
during school home time hours 3-5... I just don't get it...
really not having much luck lately the owners of GTis in general..
Shows you how popular the cars are, how lucky we are, and the fact there are too many people out there who are willing to take. Such a shame.
Well not a great day today. I turned up to work today, and there was a little demonstration going on. I parked up, but the demonstration didn't like the fact I have my golf (clearly not standard). I was asked various questions about being able to afford it, happy to take the money yet kill people etc etc. What it boils own to is EEA being poor in stats and failings some people. The demo related to a person who allegedly died through a slow medical response. The Coroner ruled otherwise, but wasn't a good experience. If they only knew the efforts I go to (unlike some others!). Anyway. Back to 12 hours with no break, cancelled rest days, recalled off annual leave, forced overtime and pressure to hit targets. Ah yeh, that's why I have a release....but can't have that!