So yesterday I went down to AKS to finally fix my car's cylinder 2 idle misfire.
Alex quickly got stuck in and removed the manifold/surrounding parts.

He then removed all the injectors and checked them over. He noted that the one from cyl 2 was slightly more coked up than the others but still not as much as he was expecting.

The injectors were then all cleaned and had their Teflon seals replaced, the dodgy one was replaced with a new one and will be getting sent off to see what was wrong with it.

The flaps were then removed from the inlet ports and given a massive clean.....

Next up the inlets/valves were tackled......I was totally shocked by how the inside of the engine looked. Alex told me that it was actually quite a clean engine and had seen MUCH worse. So, not bad for 60k miles! :)

Before on left, after on the right!

We thought that whilst the engine was being treated to a nice "refresh" that we'd fit some new Spark plugs to go along with the new Coilpacks.

To go along with all the other treats for the engine it also had it's oil dropped and replaced with some more Miller's Nanodrive, this time 10w50 as I have a trackday this month.

Finally after the new Pagid Blue pads were fitted we also test fitted my 18" OZ Ultralegerra's to ensure they cleared the brakes ok.

Very happy to say they fit much better than the 18" Team Dynamic's 1.2's I've currently got for track so they'll be going up for sale soon I think.
The car is now running like a dream and pulling harder than ever. Big thanks to Alex for working so hard/late to get it all finished for me!