Sold the Passat CC - now looking for a MK6 GTD
Quote from: Degudodger on January 04, 2015, 07:39:38 pmSold the Passat CC - now looking for a MK6 GTD What happened there then?
Wheres that @numec ?
Quote from: rich83 on January 04, 2015, 02:29:36 pmWheres that @numec ?1) Lecht Ski Centre, Strathdon2) Loch Tulla@rich83Sorry, I dont know how to tag a person Total mileage: 1175.6 milesTotal fuel: £184.20Driving experience: Priceless
Well done for using your GTI as its intended Most folk on here do that sort of mileage in 6 months
Sub frame knock...whats the best replacement besides ECS? Whats OEM that will work better?