Tell them to go play on a busy intersection

So today I
made love detailed the Porsche again.
Now I did detail it last month but since my dad has seen the light and realised just how sexy his car is with a decent clean and a spit of LSP he has been on a cleaning mission... But not in a good way.
Lets just say that JPC's OCD habits are nothing compared to my dads... He washes it everytime he drives the car

Oh and that is like twice a day!!
So I have since then educated him but alas.... The damage has been done... He has literally washed all the wax off the car and the swirls are

So the repair work started.....
1. The car was hand washed with a wash mitt (Love these things) and some hot water.
2. Then I pulled out the clay and begun gently
carressing claying the car... The results were not too bad and there was only slight contamination.
3. Car was then rewashed and dried using microfibre cloths.
4. With the car looking extremely dull (I was scared... Thought I had done something wrong) I whipped out the Bilt Hamber Auto Balm. Gave the car a thick coat of that.
5. Rewash
6. The car was then treated to some Collonite. This is the first time I have ever used the Colli and it works extremely well.......... Just dont leave it on for too long else its a b*tch to remove....
7. Rewash.
8. The car was then pressure blown dry (No streaks etc)
9. All the other usual things were done.
10. When I was done I then tried out some Opti Seal spray on sealant. HEHE. I like this stuff. Highly recommended.
And thus with the work (Took 8 hours) done I took a few piccies and sat back and enjoyed the view.
Oh and note to self..... Dont put colli on a rim and forget its there so it can bake in the 30 degree heat.... IT DOES NOT COME OFF!

And then I got a little arty

I hope you guys like my work. All comments and questions are welcome.