General > Old Event Details

Northern Rolling Road day

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Phil Mcavity:
Some of you guys should go for a nice drive to the green and pleasent land down south and take part in jkm's RR day next week. :happy2:

I would, but a 500mile round trip is a bit too much unless I was coming down for at least a few days or so :smiley:


--- Quote from: Hurdy on April 09, 2009, 07:55:52 pm ---I would, but a 500mile round trip is a bit too much unless I was coming down for at least a few days or so :smiley:

--- End quote ---
Following Phil's post, I'm pretty sure he won't be attending any northern RR days for the same reason.

Phil Mcavity:
^^ The Man has a point :P

Which is exactly why one in he middle of the country would be a better idea!  :wink: :happy2:


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