General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

IT Section?

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Top Cat:
PM'd you the pics.  :signLOL:

 :party: :party: :party:


Random Chat

Photography Section

IT Section

Makes sense to me... (not that that means anything!)

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: richwig83 on July 30, 2011, 12:02:13 am ---Random Chat

Photography Section

IT Section

Makes sense to me... (not that that means anything!)

--- End quote ---

The photography section was meant for, in general, pics of GTI's, it was a couple of large ego'd people who decided they wanted there own picture thread.  :innocent:  ( only Kiddin )

In all seriousness there is no point in lots of unrelated sections it is a forum for GTI's. The more we dilute it, the more problems are encouraged. The reason why this place works well, is because you have like minded people with a shared interest in a subject, which means in the main everyone is respectful to each other. you only have to add another Mk of GTI and battle lines will be drawn.
Simple and uncluttered is were it's at IMO.  :happy2:


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