Awright guys thanks for keeping an eye out i appreciate it

Went to see the pirelli today and they are not for me the seats were better than i expected TBH but im not a fan of the yellow stiching so they are out !
Anyway the MRS should be driving soon so thats the baby taken care off as she will be driving the 5 door !, So my options now include 3 doors, although id probably still prefer a 5 door eddy for practicality.
The colours i want in order are Black, White, Red, Silver I dont want Grey though.
As for the seller it really must be a dealer as i need a PX cant be fooked with selling private anymore ever since a test driver pranged my porker

, I basically just take the loss on the head so that im not selling and constantly cleaning my car for a couple of hours before someone that says they will turn up....doesnt, that well pi55es me off !

As for not going down south ive done all that before and wasted days and days traveling looking at cars that were not as described !
If yous could still keep an eye out for me that would be great !! I really want one and modded ready for the ring in september