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Author Topic: Respray Question  (Read 3460 times)

Offline nads1_uk

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Respray Question
« on: June 20, 2011, 12:58:38 pm »
After some advice fellas.

How good a match should a re-sprayed panel be to a standard one?  I've had my car back to dealers for them to 'fix' the rust on arches.  They had the car for 2 weeks told me they couldn't repair the wings so fitted two new ones.  Great I thought until I saw the car - Looked like a trainee had fitted them with Stevie Wonder and a catapult.  Needless to say the cars going back next week.  Initially I thought the actual paint finish was ok but now I'm not so sure.  There is some orange peel type effect on the wings but not the bonnet and doors.  I'm nearly at the point of saying I want the whole job re-done but just want to make sure that they should be able to get an indentical finish.  I understand that paint cannot be matched 100% due to age and weather conditions etc but this seems worse than that.  It also looks as there's not enough metallic falke in the paint.

Any help/comments would be greatly received as I'm ready to go and give somone a slap!


Offline jmspear

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 05:10:55 pm »
Errrr it should be completely undetectable, accept nothing less. A good bodyshop will match the paint, spray the wing to a perfect finish, then blend the spary into the bonnet and doors so that it is a gradual blend in, then spary clear top coat over the bonnet and wing and doors to ensure a perfect undectable finish.

Plus also check inside the front door shuts and under wings and inside bonnet for overspray, (shouldn't be any) because if overspray when you come to sell it the potential buyer will say this has been repaired and been in a front end shunt no thanks, or at least keep the receipts to prove what was done!!

Offline D19 STE

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 07:05:21 pm »
I agree with above, the paint job should look original as I had some work done on a 1995 escort a few years ago now and you couldnt tell the bit that he had done on the car as the paint match was that good  :smiley: and that was on an older car than yours, so I would not be accepting that  :sad1:

Edit to say, my paint job was ford original ash black pearlescent, so had a metal flake type effect as well in the sunlight and it still matched spot on
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 07:08:26 pm by D19 STE »

Offline nads1_uk

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2011, 07:53:40 am »
Cheers for the helpful advice/comments.
  My car's Diamond Black.  I cannot work out if the colour is 'off' or just the curves on the wings reflecting the light differently.  Just out of interest would they have taken the doors off to either remove or re-fit the wings as when you double press the unlock on the fob the passenger door rarely opens which it didn't do before?  I can see this list getting very long before next week.

  All I want is my car back to the standard it was before it went in minus the rust - I sthis too much to ask???


Offline D19 STE

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2011, 08:49:22 am »
Cheers for the helpful advice/comments.
  My car's Diamond Black.  I cannot work out if the colour is 'off' or just the curves on the wings reflecting the light differently.  Just out of interest would they have taken the doors off to either remove or re-fit the wings as when you double press the unlock on the fob the passenger door rarely opens which it didn't do before?  I can see this list getting very long before next week.

  All I want is my car back to the standard it was before it went in minus the rust - I sthis too much to ask???


No problem Andy

Sadly I don't know anything about VW's as I'm new to the scene so cant comment on the above, but what you could do is go to another bodyshop and ask their professional opinion on the job done so you have backup in case the garage try and blag you that your paint job is acceptable  :confused:


Offline MickMc

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2011, 09:30:35 am »
It sounds like they have painted the wings and just put them on since only the wings have orange peel , they should be spraying the base + clear on the car whilst blending into the adjacent panels to make it look like a factory finish. as for the orange peel they should have flattened it back then polished it up  :happy2:
If there's not enough flake , it could be that they have used the most popular shade of Diamond Black ( iirc there's a few different shades of DB ) and the one they have used has different mix to the one originally on the car

Offline Stg123

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2011, 10:57:40 am »
It sounds like they are trying to take the mickey. They shouldn't have had the car for 2 weeks initially- once they realised the car needed new wings, it should have been returned to you for you to use whilst they were waiting for the new wings to arrive and then been taken back in once they had arrived. The wings should have been prepped prior to fitting- ie rust proofing on the inside etc, fitted and then sprayed once fitted and aligned correctly on the car. If they have done the job properly then you should not be able to see that the panel or panels have been painted. A good body shop takes pride in their work.
The body shop I use told me a story of a brand new civic type r that was pranged  and the owner let the insurers recommended body shop repair it. When it was done, the owner picked it up and was horrified at the standard of the work that had been done. The assessor came out to see it and agreed that the repair was well below standard. The car was then sent 60 miles to the body shop i use to repair the repair.They had to remove the wing and door, re-fit them, prep them and respray them. The owner of the car came down to pick the car up, and was like a child at christmas when he saw the car repaired properly. The first garage is no longer recommeded by the insurer!
My advice is to take the car to 2 independant body shops for opinions on the work,possibly get a written report on the fit and finish of the job, and return to vw with your findings, and take it up with the most important person you can get your hands on.
Good luck

Offline jmspear

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2011, 06:09:34 pm »
you don't touch the doors to remove and replace the wings, just open the doors to get at the bolts!

Offline sandancer

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2011, 07:22:05 am »
Hi nads_1uk, did you get anywhere with this ?
I've just had my Laser blue pearl mk5 front wings repaired and painted, and whilst the paint seems to be the same colour there is just not the same amount of pearl effect in the new paint so it tends to look slightly darker on the wings now. Also, they haven't 'blown' the paint into the other panels they've just painted the wings so it stands out even more !
I'll get onto customer service and see what they say and let you know.

Offline nads1_uk

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2011, 07:58:53 am »
Hi nads_1uk, did you get anywhere with this ?
I've just had my Laser blue pearl mk5 front wings repaired and painted, and whilst the paint seems to be the same colour there is just not the same amount of pearl effect in the new paint so it tends to look slightly darker on the wings now. Also, they haven't 'blown' the paint into the other panels they've just painted the wings so it stands out even more !
I'll get onto customer service and see what they say and let you know.

Not yet mate it's back there on Monday.  So far I have a list of 12 things that need sorting!!  It sounds like they've done the same to yours.  Looking at your name are you in the north east?


Offline sandancer

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2011, 04:17:05 pm »
Yes I'm in South Shields, Pullman at Sunderland did the repairs. I spoke to the technician there today and his response was that VW don't pay for them to 'blow' the paint onto the other panels, they only pay for the immediate repairs to the rusted area ! He then suggested I could have asked for the bonnet and bumper to be resprayed (at my expense) to even out the finish !
I then spoke to VW UK customer services and even the guy I spoke to there would expect the paint to be blended in, I told him of my dissatisfaction so I'll wait to see what happens next.

Offline PDT

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2011, 04:20:00 pm »
Pullman sunderland dont even change sump plugs as a routine part of the oil service. Have had 4 cars in recently with leaky sump plugs, all recently serviced there.  :confused:

Offline sandancer

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2011, 07:18:27 am »
Hmm interesting PDT, lets hope their bodyshop is better than that, although it doesn't seem like it at the minute !

Offline nads1_uk

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2011, 10:41:15 am »
Car went back in today.  Walked the service guy round the car and pointed out all the faults.  He said the car should be ready in 2-3 days to which I replied 'Don't even think of giving it back if it's not 100% sorted'  I'll update when I get it back - Fingers crossed it comes back right.


Offline sandancer

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Re: Respray Question
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2011, 05:25:36 pm »
Due to the stone chips on my bonnet and bumper it would have been difficult to blow the paint into the other panels apparently, nobody told me this at the time of it going in though !
Consequently it needs to have a whole front end respray to sort it out, VW have agreed to pay 50% of the costs as a goodwill gesture so it's going to cost me £320 ish for the paintwork to be done. Pretty happy with that really as it would have needed to be done anyway at some point in the future. I'll keep you posted with the results.