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Author Topic: Gearbox noise when coasting  (Read 2456 times)

Offline N417H4N

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Gearbox noise when coasting
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:47:00 pm »
Since I brought my gti about a year ago now, whenever I'm in 1st or 2nd gear and I take my foot off the gas while still in gear and let the car roll I get a loud whining noise.

It only seems to happen in low gears and soon as you apply gas it goes away. Never had any other issues with the car, so I'm curious as to what this would be?

Offline lukemk5gti

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Re: Gearbox noise when coasting
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2015, 08:12:39 am »
It's very difficult to describe noises over a post so you're better off getting someone to look at.

All I can say is when I got mine I noticed the same as you. Particularly late at night when outdoor noise is to a minimum. I'll be coasting along with no gas as you said and 1st/2nd seem to give a bit of noise but the second I hit the gas it goes away.

Anyway mine has no issues and it's just a loud car but if you think you can hear yours all the time it might be worth getting someone to sit in and have a listen for themselves.

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Re: Gearbox noise when coasting
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2015, 09:38:38 pm »
Input shaft bearing. Have a look around using the search button. Quite common by the look of it, some people get away with it some people don't.

Cheers, Stevie.

Offline panth

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Re: Gearbox noise when coasting
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2015, 01:31:47 pm »
I've had my Golf for a few months now and I am experiancing the same issue. After loads of reading it seems its really common. Some people have it even in Polo GTI's. Im no expert but as mentioned it is probably the bearing. Someone on here got it done for £650.