Scum breed scum. Where's Adolf when you need him?

I know probably tongue in cheek but I am not so sure I would have wrote that.

....Definitely tongue in cheek, hence the smilies I used. 
Robin, I was talking to a colleague of mine who is German.
He is 63 I think.
Anyway he was telling me a few things about Adolf in the '30s and some of the social reforms that took him to power.
They used to have workhouses, so when you left school you would go and work in one of these workhouses and try your hand at all sorts of trades and if you excelled in one you would stay doing it.
Also if you had no job and wanted a state handout, you would have to go and work in the community to get the payment.
I think a lot of the problems we have now is that some young people don't even know how to work.
But I suppose it was rare as everybody worked.
Then their children see this and its a vicious circle.
I love working and when not at work I am always doing something.
So I think yes your comment was right, right up until he went a bit mental and started gassing them instead

I would be interested to know what the trigger was.
I kinda remember reading something as to why but have forgotten.
I would be interested to read your views Robin.