Amazed no mention of warranty being of benefit? In case of problems. Thought yours had been replaced in the interests of research RR?
Man - ual all the way!


I actually thought of writing in my previous post to expect someone to come along and suggest that DSG wasn't 'manly' but thought better of it.
For the record, while still under warranty I had a Mechatronics momentary hiccup after 6,000 miles and the Mechatronics module was replaced by VW. The car continued to be totally drivable as normal before actual replacement though I was naturally worried it might re-occur. At that time back in 2005, VW dealers were under instruction to refer all DSG issues to higher level and there was a policy of automatic replacement. It's also more cost efficient, reliable, and easier to replace a faulty electronic component rather than attempt to mend it. Doubtless VW were keen to analyse and rectify any problems as the DSG was relatively new to the public market. Have there been recent instances of Mechatronics failures?
In my opinion for whatever it's worth, the likelihood of a DSG failure is no greater than the failure of any other component on a car.
Like others and myself say, test drive and decide - It's a personal preference thing and nothing right, wrong, or effeminate etc about it.