General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Section Just For Diesel Cars

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sounds a good idea to me :happy2:

Yup. You could make an entirely different section. You could change it so the address was mk5golftdi. You could even host it on your own server, use your own colour scheme and talk about nothing other than tdi. Fasthosts even has a discount running at the moment!


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on June 29, 2011, 03:58:52 pm ---Yup. You could make an entirely different section. You could change it so the address was mk5golftdi. You could even host it on your own server, use your own colour scheme and talk about nothing other than tdi. Fasthosts even has a discount running at the moment!

--- End quote ---



sorry thought this site was a tdi one with so many been on here :signLOL:


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