General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Section Just For Diesel Cars

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vRS Carl:

--- Quote from: dodds-gttdi on June 29, 2011, 07:07:33 pm ---Wow, didn't think the members on this site would be so hostile/opposed to having a small sub-section to clear away all the diesel chat the filters into their GIT GTI talk.  :sad1:

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They're not being hostile. It's called banter  :booty:


--- Quote from: dodds-gttdi on June 29, 2011, 07:07:33 pm ---
Wow, didn't think the members on this site would be so hostile/opposed to having a small sub-section to clear away all the diesel chat the filters into their GIT GTI talk.  :sad1:

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....I don't have a problem with diesel owners - I just wouldn't ever buy one for myself. I appreciate and like many of the mods the diesel guys n gals do and don't want to make a special trip to see them on the site.

Top Cat:
These posts always make me laugh, just start a thread and talk about all your diesel problems and chit chat, and wallah! you have your own section. a thread is exactly the same as a section look at Vag babes and the F1 thread.  :stupid:

vRS Carl:

--- Quote from: Top Cat on June 29, 2011, 07:44:01 pm ---These posts always make me laugh, just start a thread and talk about all your diesel problems and chit chat, and wallah! you have your own section. a thread is exactly the same as a section look at Vag babes and the F1 thread.  :stupid:

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What you being hostile for   :sad1: :evilgrin:


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