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Author Topic: Just bought my new MK5 Golf GTi  (Read 1124 times)

Offline Black9

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Just bought my new MK5 Golf GTi
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:59:53 am »
After been on the lookout for ages finally found one with full spec apart from DSG :smiley:

Few Qs I have to other owners, when the headlights are on (Xenons) and you flash someone do the Xenons increase in brightness along with the main beam also coming on!?

What tyres do GTi owners recommend for the 18" Monza II alloys? Value and performance for money?

If the water pump hasn't been replaced is there any tell take signs of it starting to fail apart from engine overheating and if this does happen could it be too late for the engine!?

Thanks :happy2:

Offline big al

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Re: Just bought my new MK5 Golf GTi
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 09:44:47 pm »
If the cambelt and water pump have not been changed then it is fine as long as you don't wait until it does go (could help with price negotiation.  :wink:)

Tyres are very selective, everyone on here has their favourites, I use Vredesteins and think they are great, very good grip in all weather types.

And finally (in reverse order actually) I would not advise flashing at other drivers at all, if you want them to come through then just sit tight and if they want to they will come through. (nothing worse than flashing someone and they pull out regardless of other traffic and have a crash, have been warned that they can try to blame the person who flashed them, and other similar, yet daft stories, but don't want to give them an opportunity.