I have just returned home after a nice day spent at the FoS Moving Motor Show. Opened the front door and there's a letter from the DVLA.
I open it and seems because I am still the registered keeper of my old R32, despite not actually owning it for nearly 4 months, I am guilty of not either taxing it , sorning it or telling them I sold it.

When the dealer took it off my hands we did all the paperwork and they gave me the slip off the bottom of the V5 which I duly posted to the DVLA. Now this is where it goes a bit Pete Tong as they are supposed to write to me to confirm. If I don't receive anything within a month then I should contact the DVLA. My mistake. Once it's gone it's gone in my view so I ignore all paperwork that comes through the door for it especially the tax reminder which was due 3 weeks after I got rid.
So apparently I am still the registered keeper and they wish to fine me £80 reduced to £40 if I pay by 26/07. So I rang the payment line and asked if that's the end of it. The woman said not because I am still the registered keeper.
Right on to the dealer and they are sending me a copy of the invoice, dated, when they took the car off my hands. I am going to photocopy it and send it to every office that the DVLA have. Hopefully they will get the message.
Never had this sh*te before despite owning 1 or 2 cars in my 25year driving history.
Sorry folks, rant over.