love the collectables TC, take it for a run over to the evo triangle and i'm sure you'll be grinning from ear to ear 
I only live about 45 mins away from the Evo triangle, and have made 2 visits already. And i can confirm that the corners of my mouth were tickling my ears.

The 2ublar exhaust landed at Top cat towers today, after a fair wait. This is the only zorst for Lotus, there is a couple of other brands but non of them are a patch on 2ublar. This one is called a H2 GT3 and is quietened down version for track days, which should be interesting. To be honest i cant wait to get it on the car, although the sound now is epic, it is just to loud and the milltek like drone is tiresome.
IMG_3546 by
T0P cat, on Flickr
The engine mount inserts will be getting fitted at the same time, these make a big difference to the feel of the car with only a slight vibration on idle. Lots of Exiges and Elises have gear change issues which Lotus stuggle to fix. My car unfortunately has a bit of a graunch when cold going from second to third so this should help or cure the problem.

IMG_3551 by
T0P cat, on Flickr
Also getting a TRD cup intake fitted, this doesn't do a great deal in terms of performance but they sound amazing with the supercharger.