Had the bathtub a few weeks now, thought i would just do a report on it so far.

First off, not enjoying driving a goldfish bowl driving, my personality is introvert and i find it uncomfortable having everyone starring all the time. Plus motorway driving is a nightmare, if i drive in the fast lane i get loads of cars undertaking me just so all the kids in the back can have a look. Or when i am in one of the other lanes cars overtake me for a look then once they have had a blimp slow back down forcing me to go past them again.

Pain in the arse on longish drives.

Onto driving the car, this has been a battle, Its a fair bit faster than my GTI but also a lot harder to drive. I thought i had taken a leap too far at one point, after the hedgerow grim reaper appeared on a tight bend, fortunately the car has way more talent than me. You have to show it complete respect 100% of the time, it wont accept anything less.
I wrongly assumed that with all the extra grip and feel it would be easy to drive, you have to man handle it round the bends and i am even contemplating buying driving gloves.

The feed back when driving fast is sublime, when you get it right and pick your lines the car just melts into your arms and tells you what all the bits are doing, very hard to explain but you get a warm glow after a series of fast bends.

I have been waiting for my quieter zorst for a few weeks, should be here this week, so i can now do a few track days without getting kicked off track.

Also got some engine mount inserts ready to go on.
While waiting for my new bits i decided to give my garage a makeover. Electrics have been installed which involved me digging a path up and passing my power through 3 of my neighbours garages.

Lots of new paint and pics to go on the walls of the Old lotus F1 car that mine pays homage too.

I also cam across a few nice bits to keep with the car for posterity.
First is a brochure from the weekend at Brands Hatch which Emerson Fitipaldi won, this win is what my particular car commemorates. And luckily enough JPS also sponsored the event that weekend, so there is lots of pics of the type 72.
IMG_3535 by
T0P cat, on Flickr
Then i luckily found this, it's a picture of the car just after it had won the race, and has been signed by Fitipaldi.
IMG_3534 by
T0P cat, on Flickr
Also got a hardback sales brochure.

Few more bits coming in the next month or two.