General > Photography Section
Edition 30 - Car Rig Photos
Top Cat:
Amazing shots. :happy2: It must be scary atttaching your camera to it. :laugh:
--- Quote from: Top Cat on July 06, 2011, 07:58:20 pm ---Amazing shots. :happy2: It must be scary atttaching your camera to it. :laugh:
--- End quote ---
Thanks TC. It is a little scary yes. 2.5k camera bouncing up and down, but so long as the bits are done up tightly its fairly secure. :scared:
The best results i found where when pushing the car in neutral. The rear view shot was done by pulling the car from the front, 1-2mph max :happy2:
Top Cat:
Yes i remember reading a write up, and the guy did the shots by pushing the car in reverse round a carpark, the illusion of speed is superb. :driver:
Bit like this one?
Rig Shot 1 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr
That was taken ages ago, i think my new ones are better.
great shots :happy2:
keep em coming please :popcornsoda:
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