General > Photography Section

Edition 30 - Car Rig Photos

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--- Quote from: damoegan on July 07, 2011, 09:15:01 pm --- :congrats:

Awesome stuff, Rich..

Any pics of how the rig attaches to the car?

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Thanks damo. Sure, these are the clamps.

Car Rig 1 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Fitted to my old mk5 TDI

Car Rig 5 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Car Rig 8 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

The pole off the car.

Car Rig by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

--- Quote from: Greeners on July 07, 2011, 11:31:58 pm ---So to clarify, you got those shots doing 2mph?  :confused:

Incredible stuff!  :congrats:

--- End quote ---

Correct, either crawling along in D with my foot half on the brake or pushing it in N with the handbrake off. You get the sense of movement from the long shutter speed, the car might only move 0.5-1 meter during the exposure.  :happy2:

Robin... i know what you mean about the lens distortion, even though its only a 24mm lens. I would prefer to use an even wider lens like a 17mm, that way you end up capturing more of the movement. At 650 quid though it wont be on my shopping list anytime soon. :signLOL:

Im pleased you all like the results :notworthy:


Some excellent shots and some excellent photoshopping skills.

Did you use timelapse or wirelesss shutter release to take the pics?


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on July 08, 2011, 01:35:32 am ---Some excellent shots and some excellent photoshopping skills.

Did you use timelapse or wirelesss shutter release to take the pics?

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Wireless remote  :happy2:


--- Quote from: richwig83 on July 08, 2011, 12:06:38 am ---
--- Quote from: damoegan on July 07, 2011, 09:15:01 pm --- :congrats:

Awesome stuff, Rich..

Any pics of how the rig attaches to the car?

--- End quote ---

Thanks damo. Sure, these are the clamps.

Car Rig 1 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Fitted to my old mk5 TDI

Car Rig 5 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Car Rig 8 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

The pole off the car.

Car Rig by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

--- Quote from: Greeners on July 07, 2011, 11:31:58 pm ---So to clarify, you got those shots doing 2mph?  :confused:

Incredible stuff!  :congrats:

--- End quote ---

Correct, either crawling along in D with my foot half on the brake or pushing it in N with the handbrake off. You get the sense of movement from the long shutter speed, the car might only move 0.5-1 meter during the exposure.  :happy2:

Robin... i know what you mean about the lens distortion, even though its only a 24mm lens. I would prefer to use an even wider lens like a 17mm, that way you end up capturing more of the movement. At 650 quid though it wont be on my shopping list anytime soon. :signLOL:

Im pleased you all like the results :notworthy:


--- End quote ---


I've actualy got all those parts in my tool cupboard at work. Will just neet to make the little brace inbetween the 2 clamps  :wink:

Rich! Come back to Donny!!  :party: :party: :party:


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