Awesome stuff, Rich..
Any pics of how the rig attaches to the car?
Thanks damo. Sure, these are the clamps.
Car Rig 1 by
Rich Wigley, on Flickr
Fitted to my old mk5 TDI
Car Rig 5 by
Rich Wigley, on Flickr
Car Rig 8 by
Rich Wigley, on Flickr
The pole off the car.
Car Rig by
Rich Wigley, on Flickr
So to clarify, you got those shots doing 2mph? 
Incredible stuff! 
Correct, either crawling along in D with my foot half on the brake or pushing it in N with the handbrake off. You get the sense of movement from the long shutter speed, the car might only move 0.5-1 meter during the exposure.

Robin... i know what you mean about the lens distortion, even though its only a 24mm lens. I would prefer to use an even wider lens like a 17mm, that way you end up capturing more of the movement. At 650 quid though it wont be on my shopping list anytime soon.

Im pleased you all like the results
