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Author Topic: Edition 30 - Register  (Read 353088 times)

Offline hainesed30

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #885 on: January 16, 2022, 07:18:48 pm »
I’m the current owner of 1143, have owned it since Sep 2020.

0002 - neilw
0003 - wossy1
0004 - suf
0005 - bones65
0007 - Monte
0009 - chigmuss
0014 - Fezz10
0015 - TomA
0016 - Rickyquicky
0025 - Moe
0027 - Flossy-edition30
0030 - Ashley g
0036 - NickG60
0037 - Baza-gti
0040 - KieranM
0047 - Sanj
0048 - Its Dave
0063 - NathEd30
0067 - irish_ram
0069 - Alex Ferguson
0072 - L14M H
0075 - Gary
0082 - KarlMac
0087 - Steffrallye
0090 - Sutaka
0093 - skriller
0102 - jimmy-s3
0111 - Bane
0114 - Saint steve
0117 - warby
0127 - 18Edition30
0138 - yosin88
0142 - Bracey
0146 - Ed30JB
0148 - Mark_DF05
0167 - wagonboy
0175 - mo
0179 -
0188 - Alanedition30
0205 - MattED30
0214 - Styles1995
0224 - aaronk.juju
0227 - Marco78
0230 - A10myr
0238 - Juswoo98
0240 - Lex
0249 - Swanny
0253 - MMA-Monkey
0255 - Peter85
0257 - deeko
0286 - ED30HUS
0289 - Edition30nick
0299 - GavGTI
0309 - Spesh
0310 - Brockway
0335 - Jmccarron71
0337 - bonelorry (Not owned since 2015)
0340 - Mayney
0348 - Kam88
0350 - RebelRob
0376 - MikeA
0383 - Tomd-ed30
0388 - hobbsy
0391 - Frodo-Annie
0399 - floydsolo
0409 - yetidom
0411 - GVLJ
0418 - NeilM
0424 - KieranED30
0428 - timmc212
0437 - HallED30
0439 - unzippy
0440 - SurreyED30
0470 - EddieA
0471 - Lucastheone92
0487 - wardyed30
0493 - markatfernhurst
0495 - rogerp
0499 - Loz
0508 - Shortdan14
0509 - ryan.s
0518 - heavyd --- now owned by leericho
0524 - flatout
0540 - B1NCC
0551 - Riz23
0556 - Rado16v
0582 - galundi
0589 - richwig83
0600 - Gman30
0606 - R9OSW
0608 - bigtop
0612 - edition30jmr
0614 - Lazye
0616 - mato
0615 - Bernhard30
0624 - Shorty
0627 - GPem3:16
0629 - Guyrocks
0635 - millar95
0646 - K1_MBR
0653 -
0668 - tdimac
0673 - Daz1985
0692 - SurreyED30
0696 - AndyE30
0700-  Vintyd
0702 - Callumed30
0708 - FoleE
0718 - Johnboy2110
0725 - Jonathon555
0728 - ed30sam123
0732 - maxamplitude10
0733 - 99hagued
0744 - edition_slim
0746 - E30Dom
0751 - MEGY_Ed30
0762 - Tazocin
0764 - xaser3
0772 - leebogti
0777 - xs2man
0807 - Itsagthing
0823 - tomanni
0842 - martinEd30
0851 - JCWT
0859 - Marksloane
0875 - allymac
0878 - Hawkesbaby
0882-  Markyvitch
0884 - glenn_g60
0887 - Sqwilliams
0888 - chewy86
0893 - Charlie23  Starkey
0897 - tkboyle
0904 - markh
0905 - Mitch H
0907 - Pudding
0909 - Jack
0910 - Sean_ED30
0914 - Andygo
0915 - GTI.dav
0916 - Chrisr763
0923 - ED30Girl
0936 - Willni
0943 - PPK
0950 - Cheeky
0951 - Wacky
0952 - Andygill
0955 - mayesj86
0964 - Seiko
0970 - Ed30 Fraz
0993 - grey golfer
1000 - Ripstop
1011 - ArildStavrum
1029 - bizz
1036 - Jay_ed30
1038 - Mat ed30
1044 - wilsy_
1045 - alfboden
1049 - da_ansa
1056 - BigstickytoffeeGTI30
1059 - GTAvalanche
1063 - Bradders
1076 - ryangerry
1081 - ColinMk4
1087 - billy
1089 - dan648v
1091 - jon_hill
1100 - benpalace1
1106 - Boycee
1109 - iamgolf
1110 - Beetie
1118 - sjt144
1143 - hainesed30
1144 - gobbleplease
1146 -
1157 - Detailer
1163 - Trow81
1172 - BUTT1E73
1174 - briggo10
1183 - Trowbridge
1185 - Rayhoop
1197 - lambera
1198 - WaLLeMs
1228 - Wagonboy
1231 - Horatio
1233 - GilesWoodward59
1240 - PM30S
1242 - Nick-TR
1245 - wardy91-ed30
1256 - Greigzy
1271 - Higgstor
1273 - ED57
1275 - JigBake
1302 - david85williams
1304 - PSW MK5
1305 - Oli
1312 - RobC
1313 - Kiwi
1315 - V2 FAN
1324 - Stubee
1325 - gtininja
1328 - rob.brad
1329 - DANBOY66
1332 - Gulfstream11
1333 - StephenED30
1361 - DeanSutherland
1367 - phatedition30
1369 - john_o
1387 - Dave J
1391 - Richtung
1403 - Luke
1407 - JC88
1411 - peter_booker2003
1412 - Stealthwolf
1417 - Bncy Wabit
1420 - dansmith
1422 - Stu
1425 - Amir32
1426 - S800BRN
1433 - marka87uk
1435- Cp-Performance
1438 - jakemower94
1439 - afzalmj
1441 - gobbleplease
1444 - Sug
1453 - Fozzy
1455 - B19Homer
1456 - #Ed30
1460 - TreeSimon
1461 - Jonneh
1465 - Ed30Skucey
1473 - ianm91
1483 - Dale
1493 - Deako
1503 - ED30 T
1505 - Haz911
1508- ED301508
1511 - V4rley
1515 - Joesoap
1516 - D3ANO
1521 - MateyGuv
1525 - bodencolin
1527 - tobymilatary
1535 - CChambo
1544 - vdubzlw
1562 - 19TW80
1566 - Galaxie500
1587 - Jamie
1595 - Mikegolfed30   NOW OWNED BY MUNSTER
1603 - RedED30
1605 - Taylor
1610 - prf688
1613 - Daveiow
1618 - Golfster S
1621 - Golfgirl
1624 - oak_grun
1644 - Beddie
1665- Ollie_jetta_mk5
1684 - Mandy
1687-Matt Parsons
1706 - Leonpettit
1707 - Chris C
1718 - Wilko
1720 - Spankiee
1741 - CPK
1753 - vwgolfgtied30
1760 - MJ Barney
1778 - Parks
1790 - mattgolfgti
1791 - Burden_92 ED30
1799 - Level 7 boss
1800 - ED30_jase
1801 - PaulED30
1817 - Jonnyed30
1819 - Maxload
1820 - mikslim
1829 - Lewisj93
1832 - Jamie1832
1856 - eddie pk
1866 - Greeners
1871 - Morgen
1874 - Marco78
1884 - MC71
1886 - Munkyboy
1900 - Markyed30
1901 - Jearum
1913 - magicgilbert
1919 - Gene Hunt
1920 - boy1der_uk
1950 - PhilNUK
1956 - kc888
1959 - Kyle edition30
1973 - Craigy123
1974 - plumbob
1979 - STV4R
1987 - Big Red T
1991 - edit30
1994 - absolute
1995 - Ash_SteadyEddy
2001 - Daelo
2009 - Malozza1992
2014 - robsedition30
2050 - rf860
2053 - Tpunts
2057 - GTI Dave 30
2058 - Budge33
2059 - Darren
2069 - Jeynesey
2073 - vwrascal
2081 - Randeep
2082 - MichaelR
2089 - HandleyED30
2102 - Lyall
2111 - H3 CMR
2123 - JohnRJB
2151 - nevertomorrow
2152 - James_R
2167 - Jay_87
2172 - robern2
2184 - markjj
2190 - Whiteshep
2193 - Gasbeev
2198 - ljc19630
2202 - Qussan
2219 - ed30Lewis
2223 - R-Tech Nick
2227 - Brimall
2232 - MikeBee
2235 - Tamiyoman
2242 - Rmstu
2254 - Neil 54
2255 - JGM.30ED
2260 - Scooba
2264 - Bar79w
2267 - Gbuck55
2270 - Cupra_matt
2271 - Ed30ste
2275 - Moschops
2279 - Matt81
2297 - csrigo
2306 - AndyTFSI
2314 - GVK

Also added myself to the list.

Offline ncrowther14

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #886 on: January 22, 2022, 08:30:39 am »
Now the owner of 1063

Offline Greeny

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #887 on: January 30, 2022, 05:13:41 pm »
1131 -  Greeny

Offline 08_edi30

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #888 on: February 16, 2022, 05:03:54 pm »
I’m the owner of 1492 it’s a 3dr in black

Offline Trobbler69

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #889 on: March 15, 2022, 10:34:14 am »
0002 - neilw
0003 - wossy1
0004 - suf
0005 - bones65
0007 - Monte
0009 - chigmuss
0014 - Fezz10
0015 - TomA
0016 - Rickyquicky
0025 - Moe
0027 - Flossy-edition30
0030 - Ashley g
0036 - NickG60
0037 - Baza-gti
0040 - KieranM
0047 - Sanj
0048 - Its Dave
0063 - NathEd30
0067 - irish_ram
0069 - Alex Ferguson
0072 - L14M H
0075 - Gary
0082 - KarlMac
0087 - Steffrallye
0090 - Sutaka
0093 - skriller
0102 - jimmy-s3
0111 - Bane
0114 - Saint steve
0117 - warby
0127 - 18Edition30
0138 - yosin88
0142 - Bracey
0146 - Ed30JB
0148 - Mark_DF05
0167 - wagonboy
0175 - mo
0179 -
0188 - Alanedition30
0205 - MattED30
0214 - Styles1995
0224 - aaronk.juju
0227 - Marco78
0230 - A10myr
0238 - Juswoo98
0240 - Lex
0249 - Swanny
0253 - MMA-Monkey
0255 - Peter85
0257 - deeko
0286 - ED30HUS
0289 - Edition30nick
0299 - GavGTI
0309 - Spesh
0310 - Brockway
0317 - Trobbler69
0335 - Jmccarron71
0337 - bonelorry (Not owned since 2015)
0340 - Mayney
0348 - Kam88
0350 - RebelRob
0376 - MikeA
0383 - Tomd-ed30
0388 - hobbsy
0391 - Frodo-Annie
0399 - floydsolo
0409 - yetidom
0411 - GVLJ
0418 - NeilM
0424 - KieranED30
0428 - timmc212
0437 - HallED30
0439 - unzippy
0440 - SurreyED30
0470 - EddieA
0471 - Lucastheone92
0487 - wardyed30
0493 - markatfernhurst
0495 - rogerp
0499 - Loz
0508 - Shortdan14
0509 - ryan.s
0518 - heavyd --- now owned by leericho
0524 - flatout
0540 - B1NCC
0551 - Riz23
0556 - Rado16v
0582 - galundi
0589 - richwig83
0600 - Gman30
0606 - R9OSW
0608 - bigtop
0612 - edition30jmr
0614 - Lazye
0616 - mato
0615 - Bernhard30
0624 - Shorty
0627 - GPem3:16
0629 - Guyrocks
0635 - millar95
0646 - K1_MBR
0653 -
0668 - tdimac
0673 - Daz1985
0692 - SurreyED30
0696 - AndyE30
0700-  Vintyd
0702 - Callumed30
0708 - FoleE
0718 - Johnboy2110
0725 - Jonathon555
0728 - ed30sam123
0732 - maxamplitude10
0733 - 99hagued
0744 - edition_slim
0746 - E30Dom
0751 - MEGY_Ed30
0762 - Tazocin
0764 - xaser3
0772 - leebogti
0777 - xs2man
0807 - Itsagthing
0823 - tomanni
0842 - martinEd30
0851 - JCWT
0859 - Marksloane
0875 - allymac
0878 - Hawkesbaby
0882-  Markyvitch
0884 - glenn_g60
0887 - Sqwilliams
0888 - chewy86
0893 - Charlie23  Starkey
0897 - tkboyle
0904 - markh
0905 - Mitch H
0907 - Pudding
0909 - Jack
0910 - Sean_ED30
0914 - Andygo
0915 - GTI.dav
0916 - Chrisr763
0923 - ED30Girl
0936 - Willni
0943 - PPK
0950 - Cheeky
0951 - Wacky
0952 - Andygill
0955 - mayesj86
0964 - Seiko
0970 - Ed30 Fraz
0993 - grey golfer
1000 - Ripstop
1011 - ArildStavrum
1029 - bizz
1036 - Jay_ed30
1038 - Mat ed30
1044 - wilsy_
1045 - alfboden
1049 - da_ansa
1056 - BigstickytoffeeGTI30
1059 - GTAvalanche
1063 - Bradders
1076 - ryangerry
1081 - ColinMk4
1087 - billy
1089 - dan648v
1091 - jon_hill
1100 - benpalace1
1106 - Boycee
1109 - iamgolf
1110 - Beetie
1118 - sjt144
1143 - hainesed30
1144 - gobbleplease
1146 -
1157 - Detailer
1163 - Trow81
1172 - BUTT1E73
1174 - briggo10
1183 - Trowbridge
1185 - Rayhoop
1197 - lambera
1198 - WaLLeMs
1228 - Wagonboy
1231 - Horatio
1233 - GilesWoodward59
1240 - PM30S
1242 - Nick-TR
1245 - wardy91-ed30
1256 - Greigzy
1271 - Higgstor
1273 - ED57
1275 - JigBake
1302 - david85williams
1304 - PSW MK5
1305 - Oli
1312 - RobC
1313 - Kiwi
1315 - V2 FAN
1324 - Stubee
1325 - gtininja
1328 - rob.brad
1329 - DANBOY66
1332 - Gulfstream11
1333 - StephenED30
1361 - DeanSutherland
1367 - phatedition30
1369 - john_o
1387 - Dave J
1391 - Richtung
1403 - Luke
1407 - JC88
1411 - peter_booker2003
1412 - Stealthwolf
1417 - Bncy Wabit
1420 - dansmith
1422 - Stu
1425 - Amir32
1426 - S800BRN
1433 - marka87uk
1435- Cp-Performance
1438 - jakemower94
1439 - afzalmj
1441 - gobbleplease
1444 - Sug
1453 - Fozzy
1455 - B19Homer
1456 - #Ed30
1460 - TreeSimon
1461 - Jonneh
1465 - Ed30Skucey
1473 - ianm91
1483 - Dale
1493 - Deako
1503 - ED30 T
1505 - Haz911
1508- ED301508
1511 - V4rley
1515 - Joesoap
1516 - D3ANO
1521 - MateyGuv
1525 - bodencolin
1527 - tobymilatary
1535 - CChambo
1544 - vdubzlw
1562 - 19TW80
1566 - Galaxie500
1587 - Jamie
1595 - Mikegolfed30   NOW OWNED BY MUNSTER
1603 - RedED30
1605 - Taylor
1610 - prf688
1613 - Daveiow
1618 - Golfster S
1621 - Golfgirl
1624 - oak_grun
1644 - Beddie
1665- Ollie_jetta_mk5
1684 - Mandy
1687-Matt Parsons
1706 - Leonpettit
1707 - Chris C
1718 - Wilko
1720 - Spankiee
1741 - CPK
1753 - vwgolfgtied30
1760 - MJ Barney
1778 - Parks
1790 - mattgolfgti
1791 - Burden_92 ED30
1799 - Level 7 boss
1800 - ED30_jase
1801 - PaulED30
1817 - Jonnyed30
1819 - Maxload
1820 - mikslim
1829 - Lewisj93
1832 - Jamie1832
1856 - eddie pk
1866 - Greeners
1871 - Morgen
1874 - Marco78
1884 - MC71
1886 - Munkyboy
1900 - Markyed30
1901 - Jearum
1913 - magicgilbert
1919 - Gene Hunt
1920 - boy1der_uk
1950 - PhilNUK
1956 - kc888
1959 - Kyle edition30
1973 - Craigy123
1974 - plumbob
1979 - STV4R
1987 - Big Red T
1991 - edit30
1994 - absolute
1995 - Ash_SteadyEddy
2001 - Daelo
2009 - Malozza1992
2014 - robsedition30
2050 - rf860
2053 - Tpunts
2057 - GTI Dave 30
2058 - Budge33
2059 - Darren
2069 - Jeynesey
2073 - vwrascal
2081 - Randeep
2082 - MichaelR
2089 - HandleyED30
2102 - Lyall
2111 - H3 CMR
2123 - JohnRJB
2151 - nevertomorrow
2152 - James_R
2167 - Jay_87
2172 - robern2
2184 - markjj
2190 - Whiteshep
2193 - Gasbeev
2198 - ljc19630
2202 - Qussan
2219 - ed30Lewis
2223 - R-Tech Nick
2227 - Brimall
2232 - MikeBee
2235 - Tamiyoman
2242 - Rmstu
2254 - Neil 54
2255 - JGM.30ED
2260 - Scooba
2264 - Bar79w
2267 - Gbuck55
2270 - Cupra_matt
2271 - Ed30ste
2275 - Moschops
2279 - Matt81
2297 - csrigo
2306 - AndyTFSI
2314 - GVK

Also added myself to the list.

Offline CanOfWorms77

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #890 on: May 03, 2022, 11:26:59 pm »

Just bought 0316 - Tornado red 5 door

Offline CanOfWorms77

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  • Posts: 4
Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #891 on: May 04, 2022, 10:08:50 am »

0002 - neilw
0003 - wossy1
0004 - suf
0005 - bones65
0007 - Monte
0009 - chigmuss
0014 - Fezz10
0015 - TomA
0016 - Rickyquicky
0025 - Moe
0027 - Flossy-edition30
0030 - Ashley g
0036 - NickG60
0037 - Baza-gti
0040 - KieranM
0047 - Sanj
0048 - Its Dave
0063 - NathEd30
0067 - irish_ram
0069 - Alex Ferguson
0072 - L14M H
0075 - Gary
0082 - KarlMac
0087 - Steffrallye
0090 - Sutaka
0093 - skriller
0102 - jimmy-s3
0111 - Bane
0114 - Saint steve
0117 - warby
0127 - 18Edition30
0138 - yosin88
0142 - Bracey
0146 - Ed30JB
0148 - Mark_DF05
0167 - wagonboy
0175 - mo
0179 -
0188 - Alanedition30
0205 - MattED30
0214 - Styles1995
0224 - aaronk.juju
0227 - Marco78
0230 - A10myr
0238 - Juswoo98
0240 - Lex
0249 - Swanny
0253 - MMA-Monkey
0255 - Peter85
0257 - deeko
0286 - ED30HUS
0289 - Edition30nick
0299 - GavGTI
0309 - Spesh
0310 - Brockway
0316 - CanOfWorms77
0317 - Trobbler69
0335 - Jmccarron71
0337 - bonelorry (Not owned since 2015)
0340 - Mayney
0348 - Kam88
0350 - RebelRob
0376 - MikeA
0383 - Tomd-ed30
0388 - hobbsy
0391 - Frodo-Annie
0399 - floydsolo
0409 - yetidom
0411 - GVLJ
0418 - NeilM
0424 - KieranED30
0428 - timmc212
0437 - HallED30
0439 - unzippy
0440 - SurreyED30
0470 - EddieA
0471 - Lucastheone92
0487 - wardyed30
0493 - markatfernhurst
0495 - rogerp
0499 - Loz
0508 - Shortdan14
0509 - ryan.s
0518 - heavyd --- now owned by leericho
0524 - flatout
0540 - B1NCC
0551 - Riz23
0556 - Rado16v
0582 - galundi
0589 - richwig83
0600 - Gman30
0606 - R9OSW
0608 - bigtop
0612 - edition30jmr
0614 - Lazye
0616 - mato
0615 - Bernhard30
0624 - Shorty
0627 - GPem3:16
0629 - Guyrocks
0635 - millar95
0646 - K1_MBR
0653 -
0668 - tdimac
0673 - Daz1985
0692 - SurreyED30
0696 - AndyE30
0700-  Vintyd
0702 - Callumed30
0708 - FoleE
0718 - Johnboy2110
0725 - Jonathon555
0728 - ed30sam123
0732 - maxamplitude10
0733 - 99hagued
0744 - edition_slim
0746 - E30Dom
0751 - MEGY_Ed30
0762 - Tazocin
0764 - xaser3
0772 - leebogti
0777 - xs2man
0807 - Itsagthing
0823 - tomanni
0842 - martinEd30
0851 - JCWT
0859 - Marksloane
0875 - allymac
0878 - Hawkesbaby
0882-  Markyvitch
0884 - glenn_g60
0887 - Sqwilliams
0888 - chewy86
0893 - Charlie23  Starkey
0897 - tkboyle
0904 - markh
0905 - Mitch H
0907 - Pudding
0909 - Jack
0910 - Sean_ED30
0914 - Andygo
0915 - GTI.dav
0916 - Chrisr763
0923 - ED30Girl
0936 - Willni
0943 - PPK
0950 - Cheeky
0951 - Wacky
0952 - Andygill
0955 - mayesj86
0964 - Seiko
0970 - Ed30 Fraz
0993 - grey golfer
1000 - Ripstop
1011 - ArildStavrum
1029 - bizz
1036 - Jay_ed30
1038 - Mat ed30
1044 - wilsy_
1045 - alfboden
1049 - da_ansa
1056 - BigstickytoffeeGTI30
1059 - GTAvalanche
1063 - Bradders
1076 - ryangerry
1081 - ColinMk4
1087 - billy
1089 - dan648v
1091 - jon_hill
1100 - benpalace1
1106 - Boycee
1109 - iamgolf
1110 - Beetie
1118 - sjt144
1143 - hainesed30
1144 - gobbleplease
1146 -
1157 - Detailer
1163 - Trow81
1172 - BUTT1E73
1174 - briggo10
1183 - Trowbridge
1185 - Rayhoop
1197 - lambera
1198 - WaLLeMs
1228 - Wagonboy
1231 - Horatio
1233 - GilesWoodward59
1240 - PM30S
1242 - Nick-TR
1245 - wardy91-ed30
1256 - Greigzy
1271 - Higgstor
1273 - ED57
1275 - JigBake
1302 - david85williams
1304 - PSW MK5
1305 - Oli
1312 - RobC
1313 - Kiwi
1315 - V2 FAN
1324 - Stubee
1325 - gtininja
1328 - rob.brad
1329 - DANBOY66
1332 - Gulfstream11
1333 - StephenED30
1361 - DeanSutherland
1367 - phatedition30
1369 - john_o
1387 - Dave J
1391 - Richtung
1403 - Luke
1407 - JC88
1411 - peter_booker2003
1412 - Stealthwolf
1417 - Bncy Wabit
1420 - dansmith
1422 - Stu
1425 - Amir32
1426 - S800BRN
1433 - marka87uk
1435- Cp-Performance
1438 - jakemower94
1439 - afzalmj
1441 - gobbleplease
1444 - Sug
1453 - Fozzy
1455 - B19Homer
1456 - #Ed30
1460 - TreeSimon
1461 - Jonneh
1465 - Ed30Skucey
1473 - ianm91
1483 - Dale
1493 - Deako
1503 - ED30 T
1505 - Haz911
1508- ED301508
1511 - V4rley
1515 - Joesoap
1516 - D3ANO
1521 - MateyGuv
1525 - bodencolin
1527 - tobymilatary
1535 - CChambo
1544 - vdubzlw
1562 - 19TW80
1566 - Galaxie500
1587 - Jamie
1595 - Mikegolfed30   NOW OWNED BY MUNSTER
1603 - RedED30
1605 - Taylor
1610 - prf688
1613 - Daveiow
1618 - Golfster S
1621 - Golfgirl
1624 - oak_grun
1644 - Beddie
1665- Ollie_jetta_mk5
1684 - Mandy
1687-Matt Parsons
1706 - Leonpettit
1707 - Chris C
1718 - Wilko
1720 - Spankiee
1741 - CPK
1753 - vwgolfgtied30
1760 - MJ Barney
1778 - Parks
1790 - mattgolfgti
1791 - Burden_92 ED30
1799 - Level 7 boss
1800 - ED30_jase
1801 - PaulED30
1817 - Jonnyed30
1819 - Maxload
1820 - mikslim
1829 - Lewisj93
1832 - Jamie1832
1856 - eddie pk
1866 - Greeners
1871 - Morgen
1874 - Marco78
1884 - MC71
1886 - Munkyboy
1900 - Markyed30
1901 - Jearum
1913 - magicgilbert
1919 - Gene Hunt
1920 - boy1der_uk
1950 - PhilNUK
1956 - kc888
1959 - Kyle edition30
1973 - Craigy123
1974 - plumbob
1979 - STV4R
1987 - Big Red T
1991 - edit30
1994 - absolute
1995 - Ash_SteadyEddy
2001 - Daelo
2009 - Malozza1992
2014 - robsedition30
2050 - rf860
2053 - Tpunts
2057 - GTI Dave 30
2058 - Budge33
2059 - Darren
2069 - Jeynesey
2073 - vwrascal
2081 - Randeep
2082 - MichaelR
2089 - HandleyED30
2102 - Lyall
2111 - H3 CMR
2123 - JohnRJB
2151 - nevertomorrow
2152 - James_R
2167 - Jay_87
2172 - robern2
2184 - markjj
2190 - Whiteshep
2193 - Gasbeev
2198 - ljc19630
2202 - Qussan
2219 - ed30Lewis
2223 - R-Tech Nick
2227 - Brimall
2232 - MikeBee
2235 - Tamiyoman
2242 - Rmstu
2254 - Neil 54
2255 - JGM.30ED
2260 - Scooba
2264 - Bar79w
2267 - Gbuck55
2270 - Cupra_matt
2271 - Ed30ste
2275 - Moschops
2279 - Matt81
2297 - csrigo
2306 - AndyTFSI
2314 - GVK

Offline morells

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #892 on: May 11, 2022, 01:01:26 pm »
Purchased No. 1254

white 3 door manual

Offline OwenED30

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #893 on: May 19, 2022, 08:42:01 pm »
New owner of 0772 👌🏻

Offline skkane

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #894 on: January 07, 2023, 11:15:50 am »
New owner of 1753 reporting in. Diamond black / 2 door / DSG. It's way weird as I see 1753 already on the list on here and it's a UK spec car. Mine is German 1st reg, with 4 owners in Romania already, 277k KM's. Could VW be giving random numbers to "please the customer"?

Either way I had to email VW Germany to find out as my local stealership was clueless and told me there is no such thing... DE emailed RO and I just got an email from them that they're expecting me to order/collect the plaque after I register the car on my name. I will probably have to pay for it, UK owners are lucky.

A knowledgeable friend told me it's normal, as it's LHD vs RHD and they have different serial numbers, weird anyway, I thought they were all produced in the same factory and each car had its specific number regardless of LHD vs RHD.  :thinking:
« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 06:38:07 pm by skkane »
2007 ED30

Offline wacky

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #895 on: January 17, 2023, 05:05:05 pm »
I sold 0951 about 18 months ago. Hope she's still around and looking as nice as I kept her !

Offline skkane

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #896 on: January 31, 2023, 03:56:45 pm »
Quick update: Gave up on trying to find the plaque for my car. First VW here told me it was number 1753, which already exists on this forum, impossible... and that I should go to them to order the plaque. I went there and they asked for a part code, it's an individual part there is no part code, they were pretty clueless and scratching their heads. Got an email a few days later saying that they can't order it and I have to contact the autohaus in Germany which sold the car initially. I contacted them, got no reply for over 40 days now. I emailed VW in Germany and they contacted the autohaus themselvs only to let me know that it is impossible as the plaque was already issued... I call BS, they couldn't even tell me what production numbers my car had... bunch of useless ****s all around  :fighting:

Went to ebay to order a fake one with a made up number and guy said shipping outside of UK isn't possible anymore as Royal Mail suspended international deliveries... seriously WTF?!?!

Fk it, I will stop trying to get that crap.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2023, 03:58:35 pm by skkane »
2007 ED30

Offline Greigzy

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #897 on: February 21, 2023, 04:07:06 pm »
New addition to the register - 2090.

0002 - neilw
0003 - wossy1
0004 - suf
0005 - bones65
0007 - Monte
0009 - chigmuss
0014 - Fezz10
0015 - TomA
0016 - Rickyquicky
0025 - Moe
0027 - Flossy-edition30
0030 - Ashley g
0036 - NickG60
0037 - Baza-gti
0040 - KieranM
0047 - Sanj
0048 - Its Dave
0063 - NathEd30
0067 - irish_ram
0069 - Alex Ferguson
0072 - L14M H
0075 - Gary
0082 - KarlMac
0087 - Steffrallye
0090 - Sutaka
0093 - skriller
0102 - jimmy-s3
0111 - Bane
0114 - Saint steve
0117 - warby
0127 - 18Edition30
0138 - yosin88
0142 - Bracey
0146 - Ed30JB
0148 - Mark_DF05
0167 - wagonboy
0175 - mo
0179 -
0188 - Alanedition30
0205 - MattED30
0214 - Styles1995
0224 - aaronk.juju
0227 - Marco78
0230 - A10myr
0238 - Juswoo98
0240 - Lex
0249 - Swanny
0253 - MMA-Monkey
0255 - Peter85
0257 - deeko
0286 - ED30HUS
0289 - Edition30nick
0299 - GavGTI
0309 - Spesh
0310 - Brockway
0316 - CanOfWorms77
0317 - Trobbler69
0335 - Jmccarron71
0337 - bonelorry (Not owned since 2015)
0340 - Mayney
0348 - Kam88
0350 - RebelRob
0376 - MikeA
0383 - Tomd-ed30
0388 - hobbsy
0391 - Frodo-Annie
0399 - floydsolo
0409 - yetidom
0411 - GVLJ
0418 - NeilM
0424 - KieranED30
0428 - timmc212
0437 - HallED30
0439 - unzippy
0440 - SurreyED30
0470 - EddieA
0471 - Lucastheone92
0487 - wardyed30
0493 - markatfernhurst
0495 - rogerp
0499 - Loz
0508 - Shortdan14
0509 - ryan.s
0518 - heavyd --- now owned by leericho
0524 - flatout
0540 - B1NCC
0551 - Riz23
0556 - Rado16v
0582 - galundi
0589 - richwig83
0600 - Gman30
0606 - R9OSW
0608 - bigtop
0612 - edition30jmr
0614 - Lazye
0616 - mato
0615 - Bernhard30
0624 - Shorty
0627 - GPem3:16
0629 - Guyrocks
0635 - millar95
0646 - K1_MBR
0653 -
0668 - tdimac
0673 - Daz1985
0692 - SurreyED30
0696 - AndyE30
0700-  Vintyd
0702 - Callumed30
0708 - FoleE
0718 - Johnboy2110
0725 - Jonathon555
0728 - ed30sam123
0732 - maxamplitude10
0733 - 99hagued
0744 - edition_slim
0746 - E30Dom
0751 - MEGY_Ed30
0762 - Tazocin
0764 - xaser3
0772 - leebogti
0777 - xs2man
0807 - Itsagthing
0823 - tomanni
0842 - martinEd30
0851 - JCWT
0859 - Marksloane
0875 - allymac
0878 - Hawkesbaby
0882-  Markyvitch
0884 - glenn_g60
0887 - Sqwilliams
0888 - chewy86
0893 - Charlie23  Starkey
0897 - tkboyle
0904 - markh
0905 - Mitch H
0907 - Pudding
0909 - Jack
0910 - Sean_ED30
0914 - Andygo
0915 - GTI.dav
0916 - Chrisr763
0923 - ED30Girl
0936 - Willni
0943 - PPK
0950 - Cheeky
0951 - Wacky
0952 - Andygill
0955 - mayesj86
0964 - Seiko
0970 - Ed30 Fraz
0993 - grey golfer
1000 - Ripstop
1011 - ArildStavrum
1029 - bizz
1036 - Jay_ed30
1038 - Mat ed30
1044 - wilsy_
1045 - alfboden
1049 - da_ansa
1056 - BigstickytoffeeGTI30
1059 - GTAvalanche
1063 - Bradders
1076 - ryangerry
1081 - ColinMk4
1087 - billy
1089 - dan648v
1091 - jon_hill
1100 - benpalace1
1106 - Boycee
1109 - iamgolf
1110 - Beetie
1118 - sjt144
1143 - hainesed30
1144 - gobbleplease
1146 -
1157 - Detailer
1163 - Trow81
1172 - BUTT1E73
1174 - briggo10
1183 - Trowbridge
1185 - Rayhoop
1197 - lambera
1198 - WaLLeMs
1228 - Wagonboy
1231 - Horatio
1233 - GilesWoodward59
1240 - PM30S
1242 - Nick-TR
1245 - wardy91-ed30
1256 - Greigzy
1271 - Higgstor
1273 - ED57
1275 - JigBake
1302 - david85williams
1304 - PSW MK5
1305 - Oli
1312 - RobC
1313 - Kiwi
1315 - V2 FAN
1324 - Stubee
1325 - gtininja
1328 - rob.brad
1329 - DANBOY66
1332 - Gulfstream11
1333 - StephenED30
1361 - DeanSutherland
1367 - phatedition30
1369 - john_o
1387 - Dave J
1391 - Richtung
1403 - Luke
1407 - JC88
1411 - peter_booker2003
1412 - Stealthwolf
1417 - Bncy Wabit
1420 - dansmith
1422 - Stu
1425 - Amir32
1426 - S800BRN
1433 - marka87uk
1435- Cp-Performance
1438 - jakemower94
1439 - afzalmj
1441 - gobbleplease
1444 - Sug
1453 - Fozzy
1455 - B19Homer
1456 - #Ed30
1460 - TreeSimon
1461 - Jonneh
1465 - Ed30Skucey
1473 - ianm91
1483 - Dale
1493 - Deako
1503 - ED30 T
1505 - Haz911
1508- ED301508
1511 - V4rley
1515 - Joesoap
1516 - D3ANO
1521 - MateyGuv
1525 - bodencolin
1527 - tobymilatary
1535 - CChambo
1544 - vdubzlw
1562 - 19TW80
1566 - Galaxie500
1587 - Jamie
1595 - Mikegolfed30   NOW OWNED BY MUNSTER
1603 - RedED30
1605 - Taylor
1610 - prf688
1613 - Daveiow
1618 - Golfster S
1621 - Golfgirl
1624 - oak_grun
1644 - Beddie
1665- Ollie_jetta_mk5
1684 - Mandy
1687-Matt Parsons
1706 - Leonpettit
1707 - Chris C
1718 - Wilko
1720 - Spankiee
1741 - CPK
1753 - vwgolfgtied30
1760 - MJ Barney
1778 - Parks
1790 - mattgolfgti
1791 - Burden_92 ED30
1799 - Level 7 boss
1800 - ED30_jase
1801 - PaulED30
1817 - Jonnyed30
1819 - Maxload
1820 - mikslim
1829 - Lewisj93
1832 - Jamie1832
1856 - eddie pk
1866 - Greeners
1871 - Morgen
1874 - Marco78
1884 - MC71
1886 - Munkyboy
1900 - Markyed30
1901 - Jearum
1913 - magicgilbert
1919 - Gene Hunt
1920 - boy1der_uk
1950 - PhilNUK
1956 - kc888
1959 - Kyle edition30
1973 - Craigy123
1974 - plumbob
1979 - STV4R
1987 - Big Red T
1991 - edit30
1994 - absolute
1995 - Ash_SteadyEddy
2001 - Daelo
2009 - Malozza1992
2014 - robsedition30
2050 - rf860
2053 - Tpunts
2057 - GTI Dave 30
2058 - Budge33
2059 - Darren
2069 - Jeynesey
2073 - vwrascal
2081 - Randeep
2082 - MichaelR
2089 - HandleyED30
2090 - Greigzy
2102 - Lyall
2111 - H3 CMR
2123 - JohnRJB
2151 - nevertomorrow
2152 - James_R
2167 - Jay_87
2172 - robern2
2184 - markjj
2190 - Whiteshep
2193 - Gasbeev
2198 - ljc19630
2202 - Qussan
2219 - ed30Lewis
2223 - R-Tech Nick
2227 - Brimall
2232 - MikeBee
2235 - Tamiyoman
2242 - Rmstu
2254 - Neil 54
2255 - JGM.30ED
2260 - Scooba
2264 - Bar79w
2267 - Gbuck55
2270 - Cupra_matt
2271 - Ed30ste
2275 - Moschops
2279 - Matt81
2297 - csrigo
2306 - AndyTFSI
2314 - GVK

Offline niddnet

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1521 - New Owner
« Reply #898 on: May 15, 2023, 10:38:44 am »
Hi All

New to the forum with a new toy - GTi Mk5 Edition30 number 1521!

This car has had SO much done to it, that it's an absolute DREAM.  Hugely modified - but all done with the very best of taste, and from what I can see, using genuine VW OEM parts wherever they exist.

Absolute credit to the previous owners - and over £11000 worth of past receipts!!  Updated list below!

Not sure if I can attach as a new user, but plaque pic for those interested:

Happy to be "in the club"! :D



0002 - neilw
0003 - wossy1
0004 - suf
0005 - bones65
0007 - Monte
0009 - chigmuss
0014 - Fezz10
0015 - TomA
0016 - Rickyquicky
0025 - Moe
0027 - Flossy-edition30
0030 - Ashley g
0036 - NickG60
0037 - Baza-gti
0040 - KieranM
0047 - Sanj
0048 - Its Dave
0063 - NathEd30
0067 - irish_ram
0069 - Alex Ferguson
0072 - L14M H
0075 - Gary
0082 - KarlMac
0087 - Steffrallye
0090 - Sutaka
0093 - skriller
0102 - jimmy-s3
0111 - Bane
0114 - Saint steve
0117 - warby
0127 - 18Edition30
0138 - yosin88
0142 - Bracey
0146 - Ed30JB
0148 - Mark_DF05
0167 - wagonboy
0175 - mo
0179 -
0188 - Alanedition30
0205 - MattED30
0214 - Styles1995
0224 - aaronk.juju
0227 - Marco78
0230 - A10myr
0238 - Juswoo98
0240 - Lex
0249 - Swanny
0253 - MMA-Monkey
0255 - Peter85
0257 - deeko
0286 - ED30HUS
0289 - Edition30nick
0299 - GavGTI
0309 - Spesh
0310 - Brockway
0335 - Jmccarron71
0337 - bonelorry (Not owned since 2015)
0340 - Mayney
0348 - Kam88
0350 - RebelRob
0376 - MikeA
0383 - Tomd-ed30
0388 - hobbsy
0391 - Frodo-Annie
0399 - floydsolo
0409 - yetidom
0411 - GVLJ
0418 - NeilM
0424 - KieranED30
0428 - timmc212
0437 - HallED30
0439 - unzippy
0440 - SurreyED30
0470 - EddieA
0471 - Lucastheone92
0487 - wardyed30
0493 - markatfernhurst
0495 - rogerp
0499 - Loz
0508 - Shortdan14
0509 - ryan.s
0518 - heavyd --- now owned by leericho
0524 - flatout
0540 - B1NCC
0551 - Riz23
0556 - Rado16v
0582 - galundi
0589 - richwig83
0600 - Gman30
0606 - R9OSW
0608 - bigtop
0612 - edition30jmr
0614 - Lazye
0616 - mato
0615 - Bernhard30
0624 - Shorty
0627 - GPem3:16
0629 - Guyrocks
0635 - millar95
0646 - K1_MBR
0653 -
0668 - tdimac
0673 - Daz1985
0692 - SurreyED30
0696 - AndyE30
0700-  Vintyd
0702 - Callumed30
0708 - FoleE
0718 - Johnboy2110
0725 - Jonathon555
0728 - ed30sam123
0732 - maxamplitude10
0733 - 99hagued
0744 - edition_slim
0746 - E30Dom
0751 - MEGY_Ed30
0762 - Tazocin
0764 - xaser3
0772 - leebogti
0777 - xs2man
0807 - Itsagthing
0823 - tomanni
0842 - martinEd30
0851 - JCWT
0859 - Marksloane
0875 - allymac
0878 - Hawkesbaby
0882-  Markyvitch
0884 - glenn_g60
0887 - Sqwilliams
0888 - chewy86
0893 - Charlie23  Starkey
0897 - tkboyle
0904 - markh
0905 - Mitch H
0907 - Pudding
0909 - Jack
0910 - Sean_ED30
0914 - Andygo
0915 - GTI.dav
0916 - Chrisr763
0923 - ED30Girl
0936 - Willni
0943 - PPK
0950 - Cheeky
0951 - Wacky
0952 - Andygill
0955 - mayesj86
0964 - Seiko
0970 - Ed30 Fraz
0993 - grey golfer
1000 - Ripstop
1011 - ArildStavrum
1029 - bizz
1036 - Jay_ed30
1038 - Mat ed30
1044 - wilsy_
1045 - alfboden
1049 - da_ansa
1056 - BigstickytoffeeGTI30
1059 - GTAvalanche
1063 - Bradders
1076 - ryangerry
1081 - ColinMk4
1087 - billy
1089 - dan648v
1091 - jon_hill
1100 - benpalace1
1106 - Boycee
1109 - iamgolf
1110 - Beetie
1118 - sjt144
1143 - hainesed30
1144 - gobbleplease
1146 -
1157 - Detailer
1163 - Trow81
1172 - BUTT1E73
1174 - briggo10
1183 - Trowbridge
1185 - Rayhoop
1197 - lambera
1198 - WaLLeMs
1228 - Wagonboy
1231 - Horatio
1233 - GilesWoodward59
1240 - PM30S
1242 - Nick-TR
1245 - wardy91-ed30
1256 - Greigzy
1271 - Higgstor
1273 - ED57
1275 - JigBake
1302 - david85williams
1304 - PSW MK5
1305 - Oli
1312 - RobC
1313 - Kiwi
1315 - V2 FAN
1324 - Stubee
1325 - gtininja
1328 - rob.brad
1329 - DANBOY66
1332 - Gulfstream11
1333 - StephenED30
1361 - DeanSutherland
1367 - phatedition30
1369 - john_o
1387 - Dave J
1391 - Richtung
1403 - Luke
1407 - JC88
1411 - peter_booker2003
1412 - Stealthwolf
1417 - Bncy Wabit
1420 - dansmith
1422 - Stu
1425 - Amir32
1426 - S800BRN
1433 - marka87uk
1435- Cp-Performance
1438 - jakemower94
1439 - afzalmj
1441 - gobbleplease
1444 - Sug
1453 - Fozzy
1455 - B19Homer
1456 - #Ed30
1460 - TreeSimon
1461 - Jonneh
1465 - Ed30Skucey
1473 - ianm91
1483 - Dale
1493 - Deako
1503 - ED30 T
1505 - Haz911
1508- ED301508
1511 - V4rley
1515 - Joesoap
1516 - D3ANO
1521 - niddnet
1525 - bodencolin
1527 - tobymilatary
1535 - CChambo
1544 - vdubzlw
1562 - 19TW80
1566 - Galaxie500
1587 - Jamie
1595 - Mikegolfed30   NOW OWNED BY MUNSTER
1603 - RedED30
1605 - Taylor
1610 - prf688
1613 - Daveiow
1618 - Golfster S
1621 - Golfgirl
1624 - oak_grun
1644 - Beddie
1665- Ollie_jetta_mk5
1684 - Mandy
1687-Matt Parsons
1706 - Leonpettit
1707 - Chris C
1718 - Wilko
1720 - Spankiee
1741 - CPK
1753 - vwgolfgtied30
1760 - MJ Barney
1778 - Parks
1790 - mattgolfgti
1791 - Burden_92 ED30
1799 - Level 7 boss
1800 - ED30_jase
1801 - PaulED30
1817 - Jonnyed30
1819 - Maxload
1820 - mikslim
1829 - Lewisj93
1832 - Jamie1832
1856 - eddie pk
1866 - Greeners
1871 - Morgen
1874 - Marco78
1884 - MC71
1886 - Munkyboy
1900 - Markyed30
1901 - Jearum
1913 - magicgilbert
1919 - Gene Hunt
1920 - boy1der_uk
1950 - PhilNUK
1956 - kc888
1959 - Kyle edition30
1973 - Craigy123
1974 - plumbob
1979 - STV4R
1987 - Big Red T
1991 - edit30
1994 - absolute
1995 - Ash_SteadyEddy
2001 - Daelo
2009 - Malozza1992
2014 - robsedition30
2050 - rf860
2053 - Tpunts
2057 - GTI Dave 30
2058 - Budge33
2059 - Darren
2069 - Jeynesey
2073 - vwrascal
2081 - Randeep
2082 - MichaelR
2089 - HandleyED30
2102 - Lyall
2111 - H3 CMR
2123 - JohnRJB
2151 - nevertomorrow
2152 - James_R
2167 - Jay_87
2172 - robern2
2184 - markjj
2190 - Whiteshep
2193 - Gasbeev
2198 - ljc19630
2202 - Qussan
2219 - ed30Lewis
2223 - R-Tech Nick
2227 - Brimall
2232 - MikeBee
2235 - Tamiyoman
2242 - Rmstu
2254 - Neil 54
2255 - JGM.30ED
2260 - Scooba
2264 - Bar79w
2267 - Gbuck55
2270 - Cupra_matt
2271 - Ed30ste
2275 - Moschops
2279 - Matt81
2297 - csrigo
2306 - AndyTFSI
2314 - GVK

Offline TheoHieron

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Re: Edition 30 - Register
« Reply #899 on: November 02, 2023, 03:47:24 pm »
Just a bit of advice I need or has anyone gone through similar to me,
So I went down to R-tech and they give me a list of issues. Low fuel pressure on codes,fuel trims at 0.6 - 3.4, cold side turbo fins are broken and a misfire on cylinder 3 and 4 (the misfire is not noticeable at all) since then I have changed the turbo to a anti surge hybrid turbo, new NGK plugs (supplied by R-tech) new PCV valve and pipes (supplied by R-tech) I’ve got my injectors tested and cleaned and they come back fine. I have had a new RS4 return valve fitted and my fuel pressure and fuel trims seem to be okay. A compression test has been carried out and is perfectly fine as well. I have changed the cam follower in the high pressure fuel pump also. I haven’t checked the car since the injectors have been cleaned but as there was no problem I’m assuming the misfire is still going to be there. So my question is, what else could be causing this misfire? I have a plug in system map by revo and since then a lot of mods have been added. Could it be that? I have changed over coil packs from 3 & 4 to 1 & 2 and the misfire stays in the same place. I’m just so confused on what else this could be🤣