General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Scheduled Maintenance - Forum Downtime 13/14th July

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As part of continuing to grow the site we are moving to a newer / more powerful server. This will require some downtime.

The current scheduled window for this work is between 23:59 and 06:00 on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th, so only a few of the night owls will notice the impact.

If around this time you expereince any issues with the site please either post details of them on this thread or email us - support "at" mk5golfgti "dot" co "dot" uk  :happy2:

Noooo. What am I going to do?  :fighting2:

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: stealthwolf on July 08, 2011, 03:28:35 pm ---Noooo. What am I going to do?  :fighting2:

--- End quote ---

Hopefully donate to the running of the more powerful server.  :laugh:


--- Quote from: Top Cat on July 08, 2011, 03:30:29 pm ---
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on July 08, 2011, 03:28:35 pm ---Noooo. What am I going to do?  :fighting2:

--- End quote ---

Hopefully donate to the running of the more powerful server.  :laugh:

--- End quote ---

:signLOL: :signLOL:

Sort me out tomorrow bossman and it shall be done!  :wink:


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