Don't VW recommend Longlife regardless of what service schedule you follow?
I believe they use LL oil regardless as it's fully synthetic. The magic numbers to look for are VW 504/507. 
When at VW last week I thought the same when I told them approx how many miles I'd be doing. However, they said no need

, interesting?
As this is my first Mk5 Golf I think I'll take the advice of you guys as you've lived with them for some time now and know what works. Plus there will be no harm in using longlife?
When researching the ideal oil for a high stung 20vT there was so many differentiating suggestions on the GolfGTI forum, was difficult to know which oil to go with and it seemed that different VW dealers recommended different oils? I ended up going for the Quantum OEM recommended stuff.
Thanks again guys for your input