I think now the season has ended my thoughts are. Although enjoyable throughout there was way to much going on, drama after drama.
I think with so many regulation changes, it led to the cars being too sensitive, a simple tyre change and the cars would loose a second a lap making the drivers look rubbish even though it seemed to be the car.
My favourite bit of the season has been the on-board camera footage at the start of the races, you really got a feel of how fast and hectic the starts are.

Big props must go to the BBC, i thought ITV's coverage was first class but as usual the BBC took it to another level.

I wasn't sure about Eddie Jordan at first but he turned out to be a little diamond and very funny even when he wasn't trying to be. Still not sure about Johnathon Ledgards commentary during the year, i think they could find someone a bit more exciting for that role. But apart from that the coverage was first class.

Overall a very enjoyable year of ups and downs.