Jonny can you give us your opinion on JB's W/Championship win. Would be interesting to hear from someone actually within the motor sport arena.
I am still not sure of him as a driver, nor do I think he 'comes' across very well as a Champion. But As always there are 3 sides to every story, the right, the wrong and the press.
I think we are tainted heavily by the press, I will admit to that. I am interested to read your views on the subject.
Cheers Mate.

To be honest I don't think my opinion means anything more than anyone else on this at all.. If you rate Jenson or not is your decision, personally I really do, I think he drives the car to 100% of what its capable of, you only need to have watched the last race in Brazil to see that! At the top of any sport, F1, Sports cars, ping pong whatever, you don't get a win or even more so a championship for free, its not luck..
There's one simple reason why he won this year, and its because he was the most consistent high scoring driver on the grid over the course of the year..
Having myself, been in the situation for the last couple of years driving a car that (for whatever reason it may be) NOT capable of winning, then fortunates changing and being in a position where you can show yourself I really sympathize with his position!! Its
VERY hard not to say 'F*ck you all' to all of the doubters, but thats what you have to do, or just say it in your head anyways!..

I think he has handled his success this year with 100% professionalism and thats all credit to him!