General > Detailing

That day has come

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I must admit to owning a couple of fetching sets of marigolds in Blue and Yellow  :wink: Only ever really broken out when dealing with (said in an Alan Partridge voice) 'Dirty' jobs that involve harsh cleaners!  :happy2: :wink:

over here across the pond is the same, fcuking freezing and windy, i normally spend about 3 hours washing the car and now due to the weather im trying to do it in hour and half.

and there is nothing worse then wet sleeves and snow foamed ankles in the freesing cold


--- Quote from: tinydave on November 07, 2008, 11:13:58 pm ---over here across the pond is the same, fcuking freezing and windy, i normally spend about 3 hours washing the car and now due to the weather im trying to do it in hour and half.

and there is nothing worse then wet sleeves and snow foamed ankles in the freesing cold

--- End quote ---

Where are you then Dave?

it is facking freezing, i haven't washed my car for atleast 2 months ! just let the dealer do it ( I KNOW I KNOW ! ) hopefully get it detailed after my mods are done !


--- Quote from: E30m3 on November 08, 2008, 03:21:14 am ---it is facking freezing, i haven't washed my car for atleast 2 months ! just let the dealer do it ( I KNOW I KNOW ! ) hopefully get it detailed after my mods are done !

--- End quote ---

Raj!  :mad: You should be ashamed of yourself, and your posting this disturbing information in the detailing section  :confused:

There was me thinking you  :love: cars!  :wink:


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