Hi guys,
I'm going to 'up' this topic and I have the following question:
I recently bought a VAG K+CAN COMMANDER cable from a online Dutch marketplace (I live in The Netherlands) and I hope to receive it asap.
I have a 2005 EU VW Golf V GTI with a midline cluster.
A friend has a 2006 EU VW Golf V GTI with a higline cluster.
He want's to buy a R32 higline cluster and place it in his mkv.
If that works, I want to place his 'old' highline cluster in my mkv.
I also have a full working vagcom/vcds 10.6 cable and software if needed.
Is there anyone with VAG-COMMANDER and swapping cluster (coding the correct codes/miles/etc.) experience?
What highline and R32 clusters to look for?
Do I also need a new stalk to control the new higline cluster?
I hope I bought the correct vag commander cable/software.
Is it true that it should work with <2007 mkv's?
And how do I control my highline cluster because now I control my original midline cluster with the right stalk and I have a mfsw with a different button layout (2005), so no menu option control on my mfsw (I have a source button for headunit instead of the ones with the star and menu buttons).
This is the cable/model I bought: