General > Track Days

Bedford track day or oulton park?

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Does anyone fancy either of these?

I am thinking of going back to Bedford to play with the settings on the new suspension on 1st Aug and then potentially Oulton Park on the 30th Aug (both ClubMSV days)

Would you not fancy the 30th of July with it being a Saturday Steve? I am then thinking the 10th for oulton as I want to go to silverstone on 4th sep. Bedford on the Saturday would just be a lot easier for me and I wouldn't have to race around trying to juggle it with work.

I want to do the Clubmsv days as I have a load of vouchers to use plus week days are just as easy for me at present  :happy2:

Leave it with me pal I will have a think and a plan of things as I've a lot on with work and getting things done to the car. I shall let you know as soon as.


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