I have a 2006 GTI. It makes the exact same noise as in that movie, and as in what you have described.
I'm also fairly sure it is the timing chain and will have it replaced eventually.
I've read several acounts from people on a Danish VAG forum, with that stupid clattering noise.
Their engine was the 2.0 FSI(no turbo). For them the noise was fixed by replacing chain and tensioner. Be aware that the timing is a tricky job to adjust so double check that it is absolutely correct afterwards(ally yourself with an expert in VAG-com)
Btw lifting the dipstick with the motor running, definately changes how it sounds and runs on my car.
Also please update the forum with the results if you deside to get the chain done. 
Thanks for the info. I have to correct an earlier post, my engine does indeed make a different noise( and not a very good one) when I pull out the dipstick while the engine is at idle, this is normal I take it.
My option is to
A) replace chain and tensioner , probably costing about 300-350 euro, or
B) replace chain, tensioner, adjuster/variator , valve and cover..costing about 1,000 euro
If I do A, and it doesn't work, and then have to do B it will cost about 1,200 euro...
Really unsure about what to do..money is very tight at the moment :(
Edit: is yours a DSG? If so, when you put it into N, does the noise quieten down a bit?