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Author Topic: WALK or mk2 TT arms or both?  (Read 981 times)

Offline kiddfrost

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WALK or mk2 TT arms or both?
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:50:41 pm »
My knowledge on handling is limited as I don’t have any real experience in this area. I jumped in and brought some mk2 TT arms with the adjustable camber without really thinking about it. I’d appreciate some advice on the following.

I’m looking to lower the car slightly but want to keep the ride as OEM as possible. I’d like a 10-15mm drop but from what I can see the closest I’m going to get is set of Eiback Sportlines at a 20mm drop (unless someone can advise me otherwise)

From what I’ve read so far the TT arms will give me a 6mm wider track and some negative camber, 1.75 – 2 degrees being a decent setting to give a noticeable increase in grip around bends. What I do not want is the back end to be kicking out all the time because there is too much grip at the front.

I’ve read that WALK is a good upgrade. Will WALK compliment the TT arms or will both of them together not work well?

Individually, which one would give the best result when it comes to handing and grip?

Will I have problems with my Pescara’s rubbing in the arches with the extra track given by the arms?

Would it be good practice to put some 5mm spacers on the rear wheels to try and match the wider track at the front given by the TT arms?


Offline E30Dom

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Re: WALK or mk2 TT arms or both?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 04:57:09 pm »
NOt even close! :signLOL:
Diesel Daily Hack.

Offline kiddfrost

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Re: WALK or mk2 TT arms or both?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 05:35:37 pm »
Oh Sh!t, wrong place
Can someone please move to general area..Thanks