It could be your car is used to running on vpower race mike and now its on the cack 99 stuff!
I know the car was loaded up on the way from germany to UK but how did the mpg go on that run?
Liking the look of the NQSBBK although the discs do look small! How is the pedal feel? I fancy a set myself 
On the run from Germany quickly got to 35 - 36 the car was fully loaded so didnt mind / expect to see 39 - 40
Need to give the brakes time to bed in, slow speed braking feels good. Think by the time I get back to Germany they'll be feeling better. Might have some fresh fluid flushed through.
I was looking up those batteries earlier.... not much change from 1000 pounds for some of them! 
I got us a bit of a discount with Linden batteries. About £120,32599.0.htmlwhat where you using for to keep the battery in place?
In addition, notice any starting issues? or battery running flat?
Using Heavy duty self adhesive velcro from Halfords

Have added the plastic battery box too. If it ever does move ( I doubt it will!) then the terminals will only have plastic to touch not metal.
No starting issues. The car has had normal daily use and will be untill xmas. When we get back to England and make use of the Lupo Ill get a trrickle charger incase