They changed the b*stard wrong f-ing N75

I haven't got the time or energy to argue with them. It seems to run much better & I need a car so.....
They took the tdi N75 off my Forge, re wired the tfsi plug on the loom and put my new Tfsi N75 to my Forge. Not what I wanted. I wanted the N75 valve next to my Turbo renewing. A phone call to Awesome says it works in the same way and will cause no harm, I want to confirm with Forge but they closed at 4.
Idle is smoother and hasn't popped or farted,
yet.I have the old injector and am interested in getting it bench tested for the usual spray pattern, leakage, back pressure etc.
Dash parts arrived at flockers this morning, looking forward to having a propper dash again.
Oh and the 160€ we agreed on reached 790€ by the time it came to collect
I have been advised a couple of times the bulb should be under lifetime warranty, bulb cost me 160€ then it still didnt work and needed a new control modue.
But she hasnt spluttered yet and I can see in the dark so fair enough. Hope it has a nice idle in the morning.