Well Keith has finished the Linear pedal version of my StageII+ map. Had it flashed on this afternoon.
I must say, for me its greatly improved my car. So Ive lost the initial punch of boost that came early on in the pedal. But to get that is easy by just flooring it

Feel like ive got that bit more control over the car and it's a bit less of a handful to drive normally. Still equally as quick as it was before no doubt about that!

I'm really impressed, makes motorway driving much smoother & when Alex had a drive 'testing' the Peloquin* on some bends, twisties & roundabouts he also thinks it massively improves my car.

Big, big thanks to Keith to listening to what I wanted from my car and creating this option on the map. Its in the testing stage atm but as I understand when it goes into general release will be an option with the map.
Huge thanks to Alex too. Nipped across to say hello and he offered to fit the Design draft 42 Shifter bushes that Ive had in my glove box for aaaages.
This is the finishing touch to my shifter linkage that gives that quality feel. Feels more solid, direct & 'sturdy' A reletavely cheap mod on something you have constant contact with. Really happy with it. Cheers Alex!
Just need to drop/change the oil. Have my new rear valance fitted (Gloss black) and Ill be happy for a while longer

Alexs verdict on the diff is Im driving like a girl...