Do you know for certain it's not caused by their work though and using ur car for R&D etc??
I know of plenty of standard and mapped cars that have had this exact issue. REVOs Ibiza Cupra demo car died the same death from what i gather.
Do i know it hasn't been caused by their work, no I dont tbh.
I know before it went to there it never used a drop of oil. After the second bout of R&D Keith@APR noticed high oil usage, a leak down test showed no issue, and a warranty trip to Skoda returned the car saying oil usage was within limits. Had they found high oil usage they would have replaced the pistons/rings, which is typical.
At the time Keith said that maybe the higher boost was compounding the issue, and I think the same. Its not the source of the issue, but its probably being highlighted by the extra boost.
This is why I chose APR. If something goes wrong ive got the assurance that they will sort it. Alot of tthe smaller companies out there wouldn't want to pay for any damages I bet
I would like to point this out from Page 15/16 discussion.
I hope APR stick to their original agreement. Had they bent or blown the engine I think there would be no question. But this is a well known issue with many 1.4TSI engines, Evan has already mentioned that no one is really 100% at fault here, i guess he's right.
Im happy(well not happy, maybe willing) to supply the pistons, but im hoping APR supply the labour side of the work. Im just hoping the cylinder is not scored, because that wont be funny at all.
That is the question that I would be putting to them quite strongly.
"Here's your car back Sy oh and by the way it's fooked." 
What's the mileage on it now or is it like Captain Kirk's daily driver? 
Not trying to defend them, but they havent been that way with me. They phoned me up the day before gave me the full run down of the issues, they have done the leg work in finding all the piston options, and will obviously be carrying out the work. If they carry on as they say they will, im sure there will be no issues.
Mileage isn't that high. Its not been used as a daily driver by them. Its 20 months old and has less than 14k on the clock.
My only gripe is that they have had the car for 6 months, but everything has been last minute. I guess APR/LOBA falling out of favour with each other has resulted in my car being a one off and no longer development for a mass produced stage 3 setup, so it has taken a back seat

Reading all the posts and arguments when it happened all i could think was going the APR/LOBA route might not have been the best idea.
I had hoped to collect the car a week ago but it wasnt ready, so the week i have been back from Afghan it has been without a car, which means ive been in grief with the wife, and now obviously she has found out she might not be going on holiday over xmas now because im buying new pistons instead, so im not in her good books.
Sy, can I collect the car from APR and just chuck a TFSi lump in?
If only that was a cost effective option. That would be perfect.
I got a 2.0 Tsi & DSG 6 spd ready & waiting if your interested 
by the time ive bought that, had it fitted along with all the other custom work, i could have fixed the Fabia, stripped it down, sold all the parts and the car, sold it, bought another Octavia, strapped on a K04 and been happy as larry

This car would be immense with a 2.0TSI and DSG 6 gear box though

, id be interested to know what sort of cost it would equate to money wise.