Small update
Finally fitted the Braille battery. I installed it on its side secured top the battery housing with heavy duty velcro. I then installed velcro straps to go over the top. Need a little further work to get it looking smarter. I need to get some different velcro that doesnt have a sticky back. Initially i thought it velcro wasnt going to be enough, but it really really is stuck there as we found out trying to remove it earlier.
So, now with more room in the engine bay, we fitted the VWRacing intake (for the Polo GTI). I could have had the Fabia setup, but im not convinced by where that collects its air feed and think the Polo setup makes more sense.

Whilst i was there i nipped across to MArlin Motorsport to run my car on their dyno to see how the low boost maps are performing.
As said previously the car is running on the BETA test maps. Initial maps were running higher boost of upto 1.8Bar but the DSG kept kicking up a hissy fit because of the torque, so for the time being whilst i need my car we have reduced the boost to much lower levels (lower than a stage 1 1.4TSI with stock turbo!!).
I have 4 maps on my cruise stalk currently with boost outputs ranging from 1.4Bar to 1.48Bar, but each has a different ramping rate and have differing characteristics. For the time being I have chosen to go with the 1.48Bar setup, but with a slower ramp of boost pressure. From the dyno sheets you can see it has a loss of around 20hp in the midrange, however it is much more tractable, whilst also making around 5Hp more than the others.
When my car goes back to APR for the next batch of R&D the plan is to sort the DSG out and then use the turbo to its full potential. I dread to think how much quicker this car would be with another 0.5Bar of boost!!!
So the dyno runs. The dyno operator at Marlin was having a nightmare with my car wheelspinning on the rollers, so we ended up having me and him sat inside and 2 guys sitting on the bonnet lol.
these are the other maps i have on my cruise stalk for use currently.

This is the map that my car is driving around in currently. Notice the torque is building much smoother.

Look forward to the next installment which will have the final maps sorted with a potential DSG tweak and much more boost!!