So i never picked the car up this yesterday. The Fabia gremlins have jumped up and bit us in the arse again.
Cylinder #1 has lost compression. This has happened to loads of other Fabias on the older 2010/2011 engines, i just thought i was lucky

Skoda released revised pistons/rings in September to sort the issue. But for obvious reasons, warranty work is out the window with my car. It'll be cheaper to just buy some new pistons and have them fitted.
Have a few options.
1- The older revision pistons are readily available, but obviously this will only wnd up happening again in a another year or so.
2- The revised pistons but are on backorder a couple weeks at best. About £600 incl VAT
3 - Uprated Wossner pistons. These are on the shelf and can be delivered immediately but they were developed frm the previous outdated pistons, so could potentially suffer the same issue. About £750 incl VAT.
Im torn now. options 2 or 3 are the only viable choices.
Well chuffed ive got to pay £400+ for the ARBS/fitting and alignment as well this month

Then theres the possibility that the cylinder has been scored