If you were going down an OEM+ external retrofit DRL route Pagey, for me it would have to be the OEM Audi S6 DRL's that I think you can just about pull off on the Mk5 R32/Mk5 GT. Jake (danishmkvgti) was very recently selling a set on here for a more than a fair price

If I had a front grille setup suitable, I'd have gone down that route myself.
You may not like them, nor may others, but I think they look dead smart and will perhaps suit it better than the others you've tried which maybe don't
work on the Mk5 as much as they do the VRS?
They're obviously more or less a Volkswagen part too and should be very reliable.
There's a couple of sets on ebay.de on most days. Avoid the Audi dealers directly as I think they're £400+ for a set.
If they fit then the bottom grill slot may work on yours?