So we'll no doubt be treated to vacuous fools with microphones in the paddock (instead of Eddie Jordan

), and 5 minute ad breaks during racing, just like ITV did. That's a shame, the BBC coverage is spot on, and they deserve to keep the rights. As a victim of it's own popularity, F1 was always going to go the way of the Premier League. Especially with that wizened midget Ecclestone at the helm. Watching Top Gear at Monaco, I actually hoped that Clarkson would put that Citroen DS3 in the harbour & take Ecclestone with him. He did for Ross Kemp in a Twingo, was it too much to ask to rid us of that leathery little turd?
I'll stick to the BBC highlights. I used to have Sky Sports for the British Superbike coverage, but it sure wasn't worth the extra.
Also on breaking news, BSkyB announce profits of £1 billion for financial year ending 2011 this morning. And another £15 a month of us? Not likely. Pay per view Olympics next?
The announcement is that BBC will show half the races (including the British GP) live, and highlights of the others, sharing the rights with BSkyB.