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E30 VW - now with added fibre

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Looking good Illyun. You are easily influeneced by the likes of RR and Hurdy  :grin:


--- Quote from: T88OMM on March 23, 2009, 07:42:22 pm ---Looking good Illyun. You are easily influeneced by the likes of RR and Hurdy  :grin:

--- End quote ---

I've got to blame someone otherwise the wife will kill me  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

All Robin and myself do are guide those of a modding nature into the light of worthy products :evilgrin:

Nice frontage Illyun :happy2:

A supercharged R32! Now there's a thought :jumping:

Hmmmm 600bhp R32 and a 280bhp Stage 1 Revo Ed30 or 250bhp R32 and 350BHP Ed30?

Anyone for some Bilstein PS9 Coilovers, CF bonnet, Miltek TBE, Eibach ARBs, Quaife LSD, BBS CHs, EVOMS Intake  etc... off an Ed30  and a kidney (left or right - please specify your preference) off a 33 year old man? :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

candy turbo:
thats the no plate i wanted !you must have beaten me to it !!!!! :happy2:


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