General > Detailing

The detailers detail.

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mines candy and i keep it as clean as i can. but that is like new, newer than new, mines always getting like rust file-ings if thats right, sort of rust dust over the hatch and on the bumper top by the hatch am forever polishing it out/off, nice one fella.

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: billyboy on October 31, 2008, 10:49:22 pm ---MMMMMMint
mines candy and i keep it as clean as i can. but that is like new, newer than new, mines always getting like rust file-ings if thats right, sort of rust dust over the hatch and on the bumper top by the hatch am forever polishing it out/off, nice one fella.

--- End quote ---

The official name for it is rail dust i think it was first spotted on new cars that were stored next to the railway.
You need to clay the car to get it off properly. All cars have it, you can just spot it on white obviously.  :smiley:

Looks good TC. If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost and where is this guy based? Really need to get mine done!  :happy2: 

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: T88OMM on November 01, 2008, 02:33:06 pm ---Looks good TC. If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost and where is this guy based? Really need to get mine done!  :happy2: 

--- End quote ---

Hi Tom I got a new car detail from  Matt from  it was £295 He has a garage in liverpool and he can give you a car for the day.  :smiley:
Also 182 can put you in contact with others if its a bit far. he is excellent though. normally does top end cars.

Cheers TC, I will give him a call when I get some pennies  :happy2:


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