Ps had a go in a Megane Trophy..................Focused is the word. Razor Sharp! Built well it seemed as well, felt heavy and substantial to the touch.
It would seem that Renaults leave the factory exactly as their followers would like them to leave..........
Would I have a Meg 250? Not sure.
Oh God no - as with any Renault, you wait for a cheap deal and rent one. Have your fun, give it back.
I got mine when they were massively discounting, handed it back 6 months later having done 7k and 6 trackdays.
Luckily because they'd stopped the discount/deals and I had decent spec, buyback price meant I got just less than £800 back of the £1000 I put down. I pretty much just handed it back having only paid the rent on it.
I loved the 250, a lot, but it was more car than I needed.
Back on the TTRS... that's damn quick. Real quick.