Well we had our (first and only probably) baby girl last November, but did not know what flavour baby was all through the other half's term. So we used the unimaginative name of STIG most of last year.
We were even bought wooden multi coloured letters, so Fran still has STIG on her bedroom door.
Get the feeling Francesca (her Sunday name) will be a petrolhead though, as her Mum likes her motors/sport.
BTW If the other half ever suggests looking at the Audi garage to see what A4 Avants are like, walk her the other way.
Now we have an A4 Avant...luckily managing to my Eddy though, as we need two cars.
Oh forgot to add, fatherhood for someone who avoided it for 42 years is pretty darn cool, my little girl is a star.