So my old laptop was playing up so bought another. Now the old one kept slowing down and freezing and then started running again , could never at the end do two things at once....and thats wasn't anything that should freeze it due to 4gb of ram (is that right?). Tried to restore it back to the original with the disc provided in order to flog it but the re boot keeps freezing and have not been able to restore to original factory due to the freezing...have tried 6/7 times !. So do you think its the Ram thats playing up or another reason? I replaced the ram from factory 2gb to 4gb from offtek soon after purchase . Is it worth getting new ram or not? Is that likely to be the problem? How can you check the ram ?
Could take it somewhere to get them to look at it but never really trust them as i wanna sell it anyway. any advice greatly appreciated and no complicated ones lol as i'm not a computer whizz kid hence the help request.