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Euro road trip (Pic Heavy!!!)

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My wife worked at Eurocamp on her gap year, and still says what good value they can be. Thanks for the tip, Andy

This a great post and awesome pics! Fancy doing the same myself one day! I bet a black one wouldn't have been as clean  :innocent:


--- Quote from: Adamlee on January 20, 2012, 09:33:26 pm ---This a great post and awesome pics! Fancy doing the same myself one day! I bet a black one wouldn't have been as clean  :innocent:

--- End quote ---

Im already planning this years! :happy2: Hopefully cover more of Spain/Portugal Southern France this time, although nothing is set in stone yet. Really couldnt recommend doing it enough!

Gene Hunt:
Great story & pics. :happy2:  :congrats:

Love trips like this infact have a few of the same pics as you. Me and jhtrophy do these trips every year bloody awesome fun  :driver:


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